Latin AmericaWARNING:
This site deals only with the corporate corruption of science, and makes no inference about the motives or activities of individuals involved.
There are many reasons why individuals become embroiled in corporate corruption activities - from political zealotry to over-enthusiastic activism; from gullibility to greed.
Please read the OVERVIEW carefully, and make up your own mind.
[Temporary: while site is under construction] Sylvia Roepke
— Philip Morris International's Coordinator for Corporate Affairs in the Latin American and Iberian region under Frank Moreno and Marc Goldberg — Her position was as a second-level disinformation manager in Philip Morris's operations in Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula. She was little more than a minor media manipulator who worked often with Wendy Burrell in Philip Morris International, Corporate Affairs.
Some key documents 1990 May 11: Philip Morris International's Corporate Affairs Presentation slides — Structure Diagrams [Total staff 102]
- Dinyar Devitre — Senior Vice President
- John Dollisson, Vice President Corporate Affairs
- Asia — Don Harris + 12 staff
- Australia — Phil Francis + 8 staff
- EEC — Michel Horst + 32 staff
- Helmut Gaisch - Director S&T
- IC Sargeant - Dir Corp Affairs Policies and Programs
- Paul Maglione - Mgr of Corpporate Comms & Issues Management
- G Giscard D'Estagne - Issues Manager
- G Wirz - Trainee
- A Filipone - Issues Manager
- EEMA — Vacant + 26 staff
- LAI — Francisco Moreno + 5 staff (Latin America + Iberia) (Pres. Marc Goldberg)
- A Gonzalez - Mgr Comms & Pub Affairs
- A Vieira-Neto - Mgr Corporate Affairs
- S Roepke - Coordinartor Corp Affairs
- New York — John Dollisson + 19 staff
- Cynthia von Maeresetten - Dir Public Affairs
- Mary Pottorff - Mgr CA Health, ETS, Regulatory
- Wendy Burrell - Mgr Public Affairs, Tax and Adverts.
- S Virendra - Administrator
- Director Communications (vacant)
- Darienne Dennis - Media Relations
- Bobby Kaplan - Mgr Communications
- Regina Godvin - Coordinator
1991 Jan 1: Digby Anderson sends his CV and an article "Principled Concerns About Restrictions on Product Information" to Sylvia Roepke, at Corporate Affairs, Philip Morris. It is a "Freedom to Advertise" article for publication in places like America, South Africa and Pakistan (with paragraphs identified as suitable for each). It carries anti-democratic claims about advertising restrictions, and it has been sub-edited by Philip Morris staffers.
1991 Feb 6: She is on the list of Philip Morris disinformation managers for an "Issues Alert" on the Australian AFCO [Federation of Consumer Organisations] case. Thomas Ricke, Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs, Kraft General Foods, is in Australia. He and a Burson-Marsteller representative are assisting PM Australia and the tobacco industry in preparing a media plan. (As you know, Ricke was one of the architects in the post-Cippollone press relations program).
[Note the blending of Kraft food functions with those of the tobacco industry.]
1991 Feb 6: She is on the list of Philip Morris disinformation managers for an "Issues Alert" on the Australian AFCO [Federation of Consumer Organisations] case. Thomas Ricke, Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs, Kraft General Foods, is in Australia. He and a Burson-Marsteller representative are assisting PM Australia and the tobacco industry in preparing a media plan. (As you know, Ricke was one of the architects in the post-Cippollone press relations program).
[Note the blending of Kraft food functions with those of the tobacco industry.]
1991 Oct 22: PM's EEMA Corporate Affairs — Action recommended on EPA issue. EEMA CA assumes that the EPA recommendations will lead to a media perception in EEMA markets that US scientists have determined that ETS is a carcinogen.
We also assume that most of the adverse media that will hit EEMA markets will originate from the international news agencies and EEMA correspondents residing in the US.
Knowing that the TI, as well as PM, will launch defense activities, EEMA plans
to coordinate its efforts with the US, forming a special EPA crack team at
HQ in Lausanne with in-market media people linked to this team.
Strategic Approach:
- Cast a shadow of doubt in media's mind
- Redirect focus of debate
- Move decision-makers towards viable/practical solutions
PMI has agreed to train six EEMA spokespersons in New York. These included [with areas of responsibility]:
- Raymond Pantet (Switzerland)
- Philip Grandjean (Int. media in Geneva, HQ and Switzerland, Austria)
- Michael Parsons (Int. media in Brussels)
- Stig Garlson (HQ, staff, Int. media)
- Johan Puotila (Nordic markets with focus on Finland/Baltics)
- Ingemo Bonnier (Scandinavian countries)
PMI asked to provide second spokespersons training late 1991 (new ETS managers EEMA)
- Ulrich Crettaz
- Cahit Duzel
- Karl Kauniskangas
- Andrew White
- Truls Johansen
PMI will also arrange briefing in Lausanne for Nordic EGIL scientific group. The EGIL group will also execute a PM planned "workshop symposium in Sweden December 7th in cooperation with Federation of Swedish Commerce and Trade."
Stig Carlson also met with Steve Parrish and Helmut Gaish to discuss the handling of EEMA journalists and wire services in the US during phase II (SGC met with Wendy Burrell and Sylvia Roepke on October 16th).