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BPeopleBabcock, Michael Bacca, Baltazar Baek, Sung-Ok [Dr] Bagley, Lester [mentioned in the text only] Bake, Bjorne Baker, Eva Baldino, Daniel D [Sr] Bankoff, Barbara A Bannon, Gabriel Barbour, Haley Barnhart, Scott Baysinger, Barry Beale, Howard Beauchemin, Edward P (Ed) Becker, Katherine L Beder, Edward ('Ed') Beliveau, Severin M Bell, Griffin B Bell, Howard [mentioned in the text only] Bell, Joe A [Prof] Bell, Joe A [ Prof] Bell, Stewart Bellissimo, Steven [mentioned in the text only] Benassayag, J [ Mme] Benson, Bruce L [Prof] Berger, Bruno [Dr] Berlo, David K [ Prof] Berry, Steve Bevilacqua, Dorothea Bicha, Anna Marie [mentioned in the text only] Bigbee, Charles Billick, Irwin Billing, Peter Harold Blackwell, Roger D [ OhD] Blackwell, Roger [mentioned in the text only] Blalock, Kirk Boddewyn, Jean J Boddewyn, Jean JL [ PhD Prof.] Boettke, Peter J Bogen, Kenneth [mentioned in the text only] Bogle, Robert (Bob) Bohanon, Cecil E [Prof ] Bonnier, Ingemo Borcherding, Thomas E [Prof ] Botticelli, James C Bowman, John H Boyes, William J [Prof] Brady, William (Bill) Bragdon, Clyde [mentioned in the text only] Brasher, David [mentioned in the text only] Braun, Theodore W (Ted) Braun, Theodore W (Ted) Brazel, John [mentioned in the text only] Breeden, Charles Holland [Prof] Breidbach, Ferdi Breslow, Lester B [ MD] Brock, Scott [mentioned in the text only] Brough, Wayne [Dr] Browder, Anne Brown, J. Carter [mentioned in the text only] Brunner, Lawrence [Prof] Bryan, William R ('Bill') [Prof] Buckley, Mike Burrage, Jeannette Butler, Henry N
General conceptsbefore 1953 (health issues)
Organisation Acronyms & AbbreviationsBAT BATCo BATUS
Organizations & Misc.Barbour Griffith & Rogers Barron's Magazine Best Type Office Environments Bio-Research Laboratories Braun & Company British American Tobacco Business Council on Indoor Air
Studies, Journals, Plans and ConferencesBrotman/Freedman project