Tobacco Industry
Abbreviations & Acronyms

A&P Arnold & Porters The Washington law firm that serviced Philip Morris.
AAA Action Against Access. A combined tobacco industry project promoted mainly by Philip Morris which had pretentions to 'educate' retailers and youth not to buy cigarettes or smoke before they were "old enough to make a mature choice". It was a desparate attempt to prove to politicians that they didn't really want kids to smoke -- while simultaneously promoting cigarettes through movies , pop festivals, and the use of cartoon characters, etc.
AAAA American Association of Advertising Agencies. The top American trade association (there were manyadvertising societies) involved in protecting their revenues by fighting against bans on the broadcasting of tobacco advertising.
AAF American Advertising Federation. One of the many trade organisations associated with the protection of revenues by fighting broadcasting bans on cigarettes.
ACC American Chemistry Council. This is a relatively new name for the old Chemical Manufacturers Association.
ACEQ Annapolis Center for Environmental Quality. An air-quality lobby group run by the Annapolis Center. (which was itself funded and controlled by the National Association of Manufacturers to promote Republican leadership aspirations.)
ACESS American Coalition for Entertainment & Sports Sponsorship. a fake sports organisation set up for the car-racing fraternity by the tobacco industry in the fight to retain tobacco sponsorship. NASCAR , Indy and Formula One were the main groups involved.
ACGIH American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists 
ACIL (unknown). An Australian/Asian Pacific economic research consultancy which produced a number of reports favouring the tobacco, chemical and pharmaceutical industries. It was later bought out by Carnno Ltd.
ACLU American Civil Liberties Union. The major organisation in its field in North America. It was fiercely protective of the right of free speech, which was levered by the tobacco industry (assisted by generous grants) to a position in support of "Commercial Free Speech" (the right to advertise any saleable product). This extreme position cause splits in the organisation, but the tobacco-supporting side won.
ACORN Association of Community Organisations for Reform Now. A nation-wide Democrat voter community organisation controlled by Citizens Consulting Inc. which was paid to register voters and garner donations for Obama. Later whistleblowers revealed that all was not well inside the organisation. The Republicans charged them with election fraud after the 2008 elections.
ACOSH Australian Council on Smoking & Health A highly-effective anti-smoking organisation.
ACS American Cancer Society. the premier cancer organsiation in the USA. Along with the American Heart Association , it led the fight against tobacco while the AMA sat on the sidelines. It was originally known as the American Society for Cancer Control (ASCC).
ACSG Advisory Committee of the Surgeon General. the group of scientists who actually produce the annual Surgeon-General's report on Smoking & Health. It was heavily infiltrated in the early years by paid tobacco scientists.
ACSH American Council for Science and Health. a scientific astroturf organisation set up by Elizabeth Whelan and Frederick Stare (both from the Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health) to support the chemical and food processing industries. It used the tactic of attacking the cigarette manufacturers to gain public acceptance and credibility as a legitimate public-interest organisation, but it is actually little more than a corporate lobby shop.
ACUS Administrative Conference of the US ?
ACVA ACVA Atlantic/Pacific. Later known as Healthy Buildings Int'l (HBI). This was a company that tested air quality in large buildings around the world , and exonerated tobacco smoke as a cause of sick-building syndrome. It was generously funded by the tobacco industry.
ACYPL American Council for Young Political Leaders. A semi-legitimate organisation used by the tobacco industry (and probably other industries also) as a way to influence up-and-coming political players in the USA and other parts of the world. The industry paid for junkets, seminars, etc. which all had a high-loaded Republican-libertarian pro-business agenda. Philip Morris ran many ACYLP operations in Eastern Europe after the wall came down.
ADAMHA Alcohol , Drug Abuse & Mental Health Act (known as the Addictive Substances Administration Act) Became SAMHSA in mid 1995
ADELF Israeli Foundation American chapter is a based in St Louis , Missouri
ADI Acceptable daily intake 
ADL AD Little Company. A well-known industry research contracting company. The chief tobacco researcher , Charles Kensler, was convinced that he could produce as safe cigarette.
AECA American European Community Association. This organisation was founded by Sir David Nicholson , the Chairman of Rothmans, as a relatively legitimate transAtlantic business-friendly association in Europe (among a group of old wartime intelligence associates), and was translated to the USA and run by Philip Morris as an entirely fake organisation, used to fund political junkets.
AEI American Enterprise Institute. An almost-legitimate , right-wing, pro-business policy/think-tank which was set up by the National Association of Manufacturers, and sustained by Republican party billionaires (Scaife and Coors + others) and their foundations. It harbors some partisan 'scholars' and acts as a warehouse for Republican Presidential aides who lost jobs when the Democrats were in power.
AFCO Australian Federation of Consumer Organisations It carried on a series of court cases and appeals after charging the tobacco industry with printing and broadcasing misleading advertisement about the safety of its products. This became a land-mark case in the tobacco wars.
AFL-CIO Umbrella trade union group in the USA. It was an ally of the tobacco industry during the early years of the passive smoking debate because it saw smoking restrictions in the workplace as a loss of worker freedoms. Its officials maintained this opinion with the assistance of generous financial contributions of various kinds.
AHD Atmospheric Health Sciences Domingo Aviado's company which received concealed funding from Special Account #4.
AHERA Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act. the 1986 AHERA ruling brought asbestos to the notice of the public. It also implicated tobacco since the two were synergistic.
AHF American Health Foundation. a charity foundation for research into cancer which was run as a private fiefdom by Ernest Wynder who sometimes opposed, and sometimes collaborated with the tobacco industry. The jury is still out on Wynder; he received $10 million a year to help invent a "safer cigarette" which almost everyone assumed was impossible.
The AHF could be relied on to turn up as a legal or congressional witness to say that the industry was doing genuine research and trying hard to produce a less harmful cigarette -- and therefore shouldn't be harshly regulated. The AHF now calls itself the Institute For Cancer Prevention since it went broke after years of lavish spending on executive salaries.
AIA Association for Indoor Air. One sub-part of the ARIA group of fake scientific organisations set up in Switzerland with Philip Morris funding.
AIA/NA Asbestos Information Center - North America. a propaganda operation set up by Johns Manville Asbestos , and run by Matt Swetonic at E Bruce Harrison (actually Hill & Knowlton).
AID Agency for International Development. a section of the US State Department which had close associations with the IIHD.
AIG American International Group. a holding company for insurance with 71 state subdivisions. It's billionairre CEO Hank Greenberg pumped a fortune into right-wing think tanks to prove that there was a crisis in the courthouse over product liability and that the USA therefore urgently needed tort reform. When AIG went broke in 2008 it nearly brought down the whole US economy.
AIHA American Industrial Hygiene Association. Industrial Hygenists are those who advise on workplace safety , etc. The tobacco indistry had a lot of influence in this organization
AIHC American Industrial Health Council. An umbrella lobbying organisation set up jointly for the Chemical Manufacturers Association , SOCAM (Pesticides), and the Soap and Detergent Association, It was set up in 1977 by Elizabeth Whelan, who went on to run the ACSH. It shared an address with the Formaldehyde Institute.
AIM Accuracy in Media. One of Scaife-Coors-Krieble pseudo think-tanks (it called itself a 'media watchdog') which was intended to put pressure on various media outlets to favour New Right (neo-con) ideas. The chemical and tobacco industries also backed it.
ALA American Lung Association. A fierce critic of the tobacco industry , and consequently one of the main targets of their vitriol (along with the Cancer and Heart Societies)
ALEC American Legislative Exchange Councils. A very large , very powerul association of (claimed 3000) conservative State and Federal politicians, and top business executives. ALEC allowed them to exchange views and campaign funding pledges out of the public eye. The tobacco industry gave ALEC about $100,000 pa for a seat at the top table.
ALEPH A French society of epidemiologist. It was funded by the tobacco industry. and provided money laudering services for some of their seminars and conferences.
ALF American Legacy Foundation. This was set up by the Tobacco Settlement agreement.
AMA American Medical Association/Australian Medical Associaton. The American doctors organisation was reluctant to attack the tobacco industry (many top doctors own tobacco farms) , while the Australian organisation was an early opponent.
AMA-ERF AMA Education and Research Foundation. The tobacco industry effectively bought off the AMA in December 1963 by putting $10 million into a foundation under the control of a group of doctors who had no intention of finding anything , anyway. This silenced the AMA for a dozen years. The AMA opposed packet labelling on behalf of the industry, and gave it a massive PR triumph ("Doctors research finds nothing!")
AMATIL Allied Manufacturing and Trading Industries Ltd. A major conglomerate which held the BAT cigarette and Coca Cola franchises in Australia
ANA Association of National Advertisers. Another advertising group which helped tobacco fight against advertising bands on radio and television.
ANCOMAndean Pact countries In Philip Morris terms in 1974 this covered: Columbia, Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Chile.
ANPA American Newspaper Publishers Association. Another advertising group that helped tobacco fight against advertising bans.
ANPR Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking This is a standardised process of the OSHA and EPA. It gives the corporations advanced notice of proposed regulatoy standards , and has mechanisms for their input.
ANPRM Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking - part of the US Administrative Procedures Act which requires rules to be pre-published in The Federal Register. It will later be followed by an NPRM (formal notificiation)
APACT Asian Pacific Assn for Controlling Tobacco. an activist anti-tobacco organisation.
APCO APCO & Associates. This was originally Arnold & Porter Co. (APCo) - a property investment firm owned by the lawyers at Arnold & Porter. It was transformed into APCO , a PR company, to provide Philip Morris with a front-group in establishing many astroturfs and product liability coalitions. Then it developed into a real PR firm, and was later part-sold to Grey Marketing and then on-sold to WPP. Later it split away in an executive buy-out and is now called APCO Worldwide.
API American Petroleum Institute A collaborator with the tobacco industry in many attacks on Clean Air regulations.
APO Arnold & Porters Organisation For some reason both this and the abbreviation A&P are used for this law company (the main boardroom law firm for Philip Morris)
It provided one or two of the Board members of PM, and had close associations (via ex-partner Judge Fortas with President Johnson, and the Tobacco Institute.
ARIA Association for Research into Indoor Air. a fake consultancy association set up by C&B lawyers for the tobacco industry to provide cover (and launder payments) for their European consultants and whitecoats.
It was run by Professor Roger Perry, Dr Francis Roe and Dr George Leslie, and it had its own newsletter, peer-review journal, and seminar organisation. It also laundered funds for the members.
ARTIST Asian Regional Tobacco Industry Science Team. a consulting service-front group set up by the lawyers to the tobacco industry to help develop cooperation among Asian consultants and whitecoats.
ASFC Association Suisse des Fabricants de Cigarettes The Swiss NMA- which was also a version of the US Tobacco Institute
ASH Action on Smoking & Health One of the world's most active anti-smoking organisations run initially by John Banzhaf.
ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and AirConditioning Engineers. They set the world standards for ventilation and airconditioning, and therefore were heavily infiltrated by tobacco IAQ WhiteCoats. Most air conditioning engineers had parallel interests with the tobacco industry in promoting the need to maintain and upgrade air-conditioning plants, rather than just cut out smoking.
ATC American Tobacco Co. This is generally called ATCO
Asian Tobacco Council based in Hong Kong
ATCO American Tobacco Company which became part of the American Brands conglomerate. This was the original holding company of Buck Duke's tobacco trust , but it withered away over the years until it was No. 5 in the US market.
ATRA American Tort Reform Assocation A fake grassroots organisation attempting to change the product liability laws (exempting tobacco and limiting payouts for other products) It was put together by the Washington head office of Business RoundTable then run by APCO and financed (at least half) by Philip Morris.
ATRF Australian Tobacco Research Foundation Another PR effort to promote the idea that real research was happening in Australia.
AUD Australian Dollar Sometimes used in Australia to distinguish US$ from A$
AWG African Working Group Executives from the various cigarette companies trying to get a foothold in Africa, or to extend their influence over African government regulations.
B&W Brown & Williamson. the No.3 American tobacco company that was taken over by BAT and operated as a subsidiary. Most of the key decisions were taken in the UK , but the US bribery and corruption activites were run by B&W. Also called BWT.
B-M Burson-Marsteller the second largest PR agency and lobbying company in the world in the 1970s. It specialises in industries which have problems.
Burson-Marsteller ran most of the corrupt activities of the tobacco industry around the world in the 1990s. Before that, it was only one-of-many, with Hill & Knowlton taking the lead. Later it took over the tobacco account from Hill & Knowlton and is now part of the WPP Group.
BASP Bureau for Action on Smoking Prevention In Europe
BAT British American Tobacco. This is a global company based in the UK , with only a small part of the cigarette market in Britain. It owns B&W Tobacco in the USA, WD & HO Wills in Australia, and has various other tobacco, food, insurance and other operations around the world.
BATCo British American Tobacco Company. This refers to the overall holding company in the UK.
BATF Bureau of Alcohol , Tobacco and Firearms US government agency
BATUS British American Tobacco's United States subsidiary. This was little more than a shell company mainly looked after the non-tobacco businesses of BATCo. with Brown & Williamson (B&W) looking after the tobacco side.
BC&T Bakery, Confectionery & Tobacco Worlkers Int'l Union They were tobacco industry helpers.
BEUC European Consumers Union (French term for this 'Bureau')
BG&R Barbour Griffith & Rogers Washington's top Republican lobbyshop. Haley Barbour was chairman of the Republican National Committee. and from Jan 2004 the Governor of Mississippi. He is a top Republican strategist.
BIRC Burswood International Resort Casino The venue of a famous West Australian legal battle over passive smoking in the workplace
BM Burson-Marsteller the second largest PR agency in the world in the 1970s. It took over the tobacco account from Hill & Knowlton and proved to be even more ruthless and amoral in it use of propaganda. It is now part of the WPP Group along with Hill & Knowlton.
BPCT Best Practicable Control Technology ?
BRT Business RoundTable This is a worldwide organisation. In Washington DC, it is the meeting place of the select few top executives of only the largest corporations (led by Coca Cola). However, in the US States, it includes most of the major corporations. In other countries it is highly variable -- in New Zealand, for some years it virtually controlled the national government.
BSI British Standards Institution 
BWIT Brown & Williamsons International Tobacco (aka B&WIT) Effectively the international, as against the domestic, arm of B&W. This was acquired by British-American Tobacco. In 1980 BWT and BWIT merged to become a division of the overall organisation.
BWT Brown & Williamson Tobacco The US domestic arm of B&W (Itself a subsidiary of BAT). In 1980 BWT and BWIT merged to become a division of the overall organisation.
C&B Covington & Burling The main Washington lawyers of the tobacco industry in litigation , legislation and political lobbying. It was America's largest and most agressive law firm for many years. Both the Tobacco Institute and Philip Morris used them also as corporate lawyers -- and they became specialists indesigning and running secret organisations such as those with WhiteCoats. (However Shook Hardy & Bacon did more undercover work for the tobacco industry.)
CAA Clean Air Act Virtually every poisoning and polluting company joined forces to attach the Clean Air Act , and try to emasculate it.
CACM Central America and Caribbean Region. In Philip Morris terms in 1974 this covered: Guatermala, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, and Nicuaragua.
CADM Clean Air Devices Manufacturers One of the ventilation groups
CAFE Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards imposed during the oil shocks to try to make US automobiles more effficient (and less polluting). Industry coalitions were created to attack these.
CAG Carcinogen Assessment Group of the EPA in the 1976-83 period. They looked at 150 dangerous chemicals.
CALA Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse. A general name for a series of astroturfs created by US tort reform operators. There are different versions in each American state, and all were tied to ATRA. (ie CalCALA)
CARB California Air Resources Board ?
CARE Californians Against Regulatory Excess A tobacco front organisation in 1980 working to block Prop 10.
CART Coalition Against Regressive Taxation A tobacco, alcohol and trucking Astroturf
CAST Council on Agricultural Science and Technology ?
CCA Council of Chemical Associations ?
CCC Calorie Control Council run by the cyclamates (artificial sweetner) industry
CCMA Certified Color Manufacturers' Association (USA)  
CCS Californians for Common Sense a fake grassroots organisation set up to fight a no-smoking proposition. Funded to the tune of $6 million by tobacco
CDCCenter for Disease Control Of the US government's Dept. of Health & Human Services.
CDCControl Data Corporation which provided database facilities for the lawyers.
CDIT Centro Documentazione e Informazione sul Tabacco The Italian cigarette importers association led by Philip Morris.
CDT Center for Democracy and Technology Washington based , deals with the Internet
CEC Clearinghouse on Environmental Carcinogens ?
CECCM Confederation of European Community Cigarette Manufacturers This group became an important, but distinct arm of the European tobacco backlash activities, working with INFOTAB and ICOSI.
CEHG California Environmental Health Group ?
CEHHT Center for Health and Human Toxicology. A service company operated out of Georgetown University in Washington DC by Sorrell and Balter , which handled all the dealings for the tobacco industry's IAPAG group. Members of IAPAG automatically had access to CEHHT.
CEI Competitive Enterprise Institute an offshoot of the American Enterprise Institute. It was run as a private fiefdom by Fred Smith , and constantly sought tobacco money to support its attack on health activism.
CEQ Council on Environmental Quality A Seattle based tobacco front organisation run by Kay H Jones.
CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act The Superfund toxic clean up legislation.
It was passed in the lame-duck period by President Carter in December 1980 and then stalled by the Reagan Administration for three years.
CHD Coronary Heart Disease This covers the full range, but usually means arthereosclerosis leading to heart-attacks.
CHIP Chemical Hazard Information Profile 
CHIPS A detailed list maintained by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to assist in proving safety information when a immediate and quick response is needed over a chemical spill. 
CHIPS Chemical Hazard Information Profiles
CIA Chemical Industries Association (UK) 
CIAR Center for Indoor Air Research. A hastily cobbled-together research organisation, funded and controlled through the Tobacco Institute, as an antidote to the expected adverse findings of the WHO's IARC cancer group. It supposedly did research on indoor air quality (IAQ) and environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). It gave grants to favoured scientists.
CIC Chemical Industry Council/s Each of the US states had such a council which was loosly connected to the Chemical Manufacturers Association.
CIDAC Cancer Information Dissemination and Analysis Center
CIIT Chemical Industry Institute of Technology/Toxicology Early in its existance , it actually did some good research into formaldehyde in the air, but essentially it acted as a 'research front' and lobbyshop.
CJRG Civil Justice Reform Group A tort-reform front made up of the in-house lawyers from forty of the biggest U.S. corporations - each had to pay $100,000 to join.
CMA Chemical Manufacturers Association This is the umbrella organization; now known as ACC for American Chemical Council , The CMA had many subsidiaries, such as SOCMA (Synthetic Organic Chemical Mfg Assn) It was once known as the MCA (Manufacturing Chemists Assn) and it later became the American Chemical Council (ACC)
CNCT French National Committee Against Tobacco an anti-smoking group
CNS Central Nervous System. 
CO or CO2 Carbon monoxide (poisonous) or dioxide Both compounds are found in tobacco smoke , but the CO levels are always a worry even in low concentrations.
COCUS Chamber of Commerce of the United States The umbrella of the US Chambers of Commerce , and all the other State and Local chambers.
COLD Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease A medical catch-all term for everything from bronchitis to lung cancer.
COMPASS Confederation of Major Participant and Spectator Sports A tobacco industry front group in Australia started by Andrew Whist of Philip Morris to fight to retain sponsorship.
CORA Corporate and Regulatory Affairs department The Public Affairs office of British American Tobacco. It has 5 teams , Corporate Communications, Corp. Marketing, Staff Planning and Development, Regulations, Investor Relations.
CORESTA Cooperation Centre (or Center for Cooperation) for Research Relative to Tobacco The global organisation of tobacco chemists who were later recruited to serve a PR purpose
COT Committee on the Toxicity of Chemicals In Food, Consumer Products and the Environment (UK)
CPSC Consumer Products Safety Commission. the US regulator which looks after the safety of products sold to the public. The tobacco industry had a long battle with the CPSC over fire-safety -- but they were generally blocked by Congress from taking any effective action. The tobacco industry was blaming the manufacturers of bedding and furniture for making flamable products, while the manufacturers of these products wanted cigarettes to be designed to go out when accidentally dropped.
CRS Congressional Research Service This organisation is said to be an arm of the Library of Congress , but since many of its key appointments are made politically, it can be highly partisan. Each of the major parties is allowed to selecting the own people to fill the key positions, so it often turns out highly dubious reports -- but which the media often promote as if they were independent.
CRU Children's Research Unit London-based outfit run by Glen Smith which did work around the world for the tobacco industry to 'prove' that advertising wasn't effective with children (and therefore didn't persuade them to smoke)
CSE Citizens for a Sound Economy and its related astroturf Citizens for a Sound Environment. Both of these right-wing pro-business organisations were funded by the tobacco industry (and other polluting industries) , and for many years they were controlled by C Boyden Gray (Bush White House counsel, and heir to part of the RJ Reynolds Tobacco fortune). It is now called "FreedomWorks"
CSG Council for State Governments Such 'councils' provide laundered channels for funds to be paid into political organisations and individual politicians. The CSG was supported by grant from TI
CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific , Industrial and Research Organisation Australian national labortory network involved in everything from animal husbandry to astro-physics.
CSMA Chemical Specialty Manufacturers Association An arm of the CMA both in the USA and in other countries with similar umbrella organisations for the chemical industry.
CTIA Cellular Telephone Industry Association The umbrella organisation of the cellphone industry (name since changed to 'Telecommunications' - acronym the same)
CTMC Canadian Tobacco Manufacturers Council They endowed a chair at Concordia University in 1987
CURE Coalation for Uniform Regulation Big business + tobacco lobby
CWA Clean Water Act There were a number of these.
CWD Compensating Wage Differential A term used in risk assessment to mean the higher wages paid to people willing to do risky work (with the assumption that they understand the risks). It is part of the unfettered free-market rhetoric.
CWG Chemical Working Group. The Tobacco Advisory Council (of the UK) subsidiary which became ETS Working Group in April 1987.
DAC Defence of Advertising Committee of ICOSI
DCG Developing Countries Group of ICOSI and later INFOTAB
They were concerned with expanding the US and European tobacco company business into Africa, Asia, Latin America, etc.
DGPT German Society for Pharmacology and Toxicology.
DHEW Department of Health Education & Welfare. also called HEW
DHHS Department of Health and Human Services This was originally HEW.
DHSP Directorate of Health Standards Programs. Part of the OSHA.
DHSS Department of Health and Social Security (UK) This became the Department of Health (DoH) after December 1989. It was located in the Elephant & Castle area and sometimes refered to by this name.
DNP Duty Not Paid A euphemism for smuggled cigarettes (or Duty-free). This was also known by the euphemism, "transit trade".
DOC Doctors Ought to Care A fervent and highly effective US anti-smoking group
DoE Department of the Environment (UK) 
DoH This was the UK Department of Health so-called after Dec 1989. It was originally known as the DHSS. 
DP Duty Paid ie 'not smuggled' (smuggled cigarettes were DNP - duty not paid)
EAAA European Association of Advertising Agencies Formed as a cigarette-advertising defence committee and liasing with ICOSI in 1980
EACEducational Activities Council a PR subsidiary of the CMA.
EBH E Bruce Harrison This was America's primary PR/lobbying company in the anti-environmental wars. It was set up by Bruce and his politician wife Patricia to fight environmentalism after Rachel Carson published "Silent Spring". The company was then acquired by Ruder-Finn, then later by Hill & Knowlton but retained as a separate identity working for the asbestos , chemical, tobacco and other industries on environmental-health matters.
ECETOC European Chemical Industry Ecology and Toxicology Centre 
EDF Environmental Defense Fund An influential environmental group which did some original research. They became an effective lobby force alongside Greenpeace, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), the Public Interest Research Group (P1RG), and the Sierra Club.
EEC European Economic Community This was the early national grouping of European states. The original treaty was signed in Rome on 25 March 1957 by the representatives of the Federal Republic of Germany , Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Later it grew to encompass Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Germany FR, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, and the UK
EEC Region European Economic Com. Region In Philip Morris terms in 1974 this covered: West Germany, France, Italy, Belgiumã Netherlands, Luxembourg, United Kingdom, Denmark, and Ireland. Philip Morris had a PM-EEC division which looked after the main part of Europe, and an PM-EEMA division which took control of the rest (Scandanavia, Switzerland, some Middle Eastern areas, and later Eastern Europe)
EEMA Eastern Europe + Middle East + Africa. The initials refer to a division of Philip Morris International which was distinct from the division which looked after European Common Market countries. Both were headquartered in the FTR division of Philip Morris at Neuchattel , Switzerland. However it fell under the umbrella control of PM International based in New York. It handled all the "Non-European Common Market" parts of Europe (including Switzerland and Scandinavia at various times), together with the Middle East and North Africa.
EFTAEuropean Free Trade Assn. In Philip Morris terms in 1974 this covered Sweden, Iceland, Austria, Switzerland, Norway, Portugal and Finland.
EGIL (Swedish term - unknown). a scientific service group set up by the C&B lawyers to help the tobacco industry by providing cover for Scandinavian consultants and whitecoats. Torbjorn Malmfors ran the group for Philip Morris.
EMC Executive Management Committee (Used in BAT and Wills)
EMF Electro-magnetic frequencies (also below) This is the whole spectrum which encompasses low- and medium-frequency radio , then high-frequency and microwave radio, moving higher into the range of infra-red, visible and ultraviolet light. At the upper-end of this range the energy in each photon is high enough to break the major bonds of DNA, so above this range, in the X-ray and Gamma-ray range, the EMF is considered to be "ionising" and dangerous to humans.
EMF Electromagnetic Fields Within distances of about one wavelength of a transmitter , the electrical and magnetic fields exist as distinct entities.
EMR Electro-Magnetic Radiation Radiation here doesn't imply danger, just propogation See EMF.
EMRO The WHO's Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office based in Alexandria.
EPA Environmental Protection Agency. the US regulatory agency which posed the most obvious threat to the tobacco, chemicals, automobile, energy and mining industries. These industries established numerous astroturfs and coalitions and ran many projects to try to limit EPA 'risk assessments' and 'rule making'. It was constantly facing threats from all directions.
ESEF European Science and Environment Forum This was the European version of TASSC -- an Astroturf -- run for the tobacco industry by Roger Bate who was simultaneously the co-director of the Environment Unit of the Institute for Economic Affairs in the UK (The top think-tank in the European Atlas Network).
  • Environmental Tobacco Smoke As distinct from the primary smoke taken directly into the lungs by a smoker. ETS consists of exhaled primary smoke , plus 'sidestream' smoke emitted by the cigarette burning in the ashtray. It has different chemical characteristics to primary smoke because nicotine, for instance, breaks down into other substances in contact with oxygen molecues ('cotatine')
    ETS was the tobacco industry's prefered term for the ambient room smoke involved in passive smoking. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) comprised ETS and other noxious substances, including chemical and plastic fumes, cooking oils, photocopier chemicals, etc.
  • Emissions Trading Scheme In climate science, it now means a scheme by which companies buy the rights to pollute.
  • ETSWG ETS Working Group of the UK Tobacco Advisory Council. This group had previously been known as the Chemical Working Group (until 1987)
    EU European Union The more formal combination of European states which developed from the EEC. It was established in November 1993 There is a European Union parliament with elected members.
    EVIN French (later European) Law This was a law against youth smoking
    FAA Federal Aviation Agency It controlled smoking on aircraft;
    FAC Food Advisory Committee (UK) 
    FACA Federal Advisory Committee Act FACA allows federal government agencies to establish committees of individuals with particular areas of expertise that the agencies need to carry out their duties.There are many FACA advisory committees on health established under this act.
    FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 
    FASEB Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 
    FAST Food & Allied Services Trades Union of the AFL-CiO
    FCC Federal Communications Commission This controlled tobacco advertising on radio and television.
    FCS Fire-Safe Cigarette The UK terminology.
    FCTC Framework Convention on Tobacco Control which was created by the WHO , and progressively signed by various countries (Turkey in early 2004 became the 107th to sign).
    FDA Food & Drug Administration. the US regulatory agency which has an oversight role on food and pharmaceuticals. The tobacco industry lived in dread of tobacco being classified as an addictive drug which would have brought it under FDA control.
    FET Federal Excise Tax In the USA , taxes on cigarettes could be applied both at the federal and at state levels, and sometimes also at the local level
    FIFRA Federal Insecticide Fungicide and Rodenticide Act  
    FIRE Finance, Insurance and Real Estate One business sector involved in some coalitions.
    FOI Freedom of Information The right of the citizen to gain access to government correspondence and reports.
    FOREST Freedom Organisation for the Right to Enjoy Smoking Tobacco A highly active pro-smoking group which was founded in 1978 by Lord Harris of High Cross. It was linked to the IEA , and through this organisation to the Atlas Group of foundations.
    FSI Food Service Industries Most of the tobacco companies were also in the food and confectionary business.
    FTC Federal Trade Commission Regulates internal and external trade in the USA , including the control over tobacco advertising.
    FTR Fabriques de Tabac Reunies A Swiss (Geneva) cigarette manufactory bought by Philip Morris and used as their European base. Close by was Neuchattel , which housed some of the PM International divisions.
    FUBYAS First Unbranded Young Adult Smokers A RJ Reynolds category of young smokers who they believed could become Camel addicts. It meant that the new teenagers smokers were not locked in to one brand of cigarettes, and so could easy be converted to smoke Camel.
    FYI For Your Infomation .
    GAO General Accounting Office A US government oversight organisation which prepares substantial reports on regulatory agencies (not just accounting materials).
  • Groups Against Smoking Pollution A highly-active anti-smoking group
  • Group Against Smoking on Planes (In Australia).
  • GCC Gulf Cooperation Council The Middle East tobacco region of Bahrain , Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emerates (Egypt a phantom member)
    GCI Global Climate Coalition (also below) Controlled by the National Manufacturers Association and some large poisoning and polluting industry groups. It worked with SEPP and other industry organisations to defeat the Kyoto protocols.
    GCI Grey Corp. Intl. This is the international holding company of Grey Marketing which supposedly bought and ran APCO & Associates -- now APCO Worldwide. [APCO probably remained part-owned by Philip Morris]
    GEP Good Epidemiology Practices A set of criteria for the use of epidemiology results in government regulations. These were secretly formulated by scientists and lawyers of Philip Morris (updating a previous version cobbled together by the Chemical Manufacturers Association) and then attempts were made to foister them on the European Union as regulatory standards. It was devised as a way to counter the "precautionary principle".
    GF General Foods Bought by Philip Morris, as distinct from the merged Kraft - General Foods division. (KGF)
    GI Galagher International The UK based cigarette company
    GLP Good Laboratory Practices 
    GMP Good Manufacturing Practice 
    GMU George Mason University which housed Bob Tollison , Richard Wagner, JamesBennett, and other tobacco industry acolytes.
    GOP Grand Old Party The republican's name for the Republican Party. This is an attempt by Republicans to maintain a tenuous link to the party of Abe Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt when it was often a genuine party of reform.
    GR Government Relations (as distinct from Public or Media Relations)
    GR&DC Group R&D Centre BAT's term for its Southampton R&D Center
    GRAS Generally Recognised As Safe A term commonly used in health regulation to apply to products , medicines, or therapies which seem to produce no adverse reactions.
    GSM Global Standard for Mobiles A European cellphone standard
    GT General Trade A tobacco-industry euphemism for smuggled cigarettes.
    GTC A RJR code It was used for the project which became the Premier cigarette (Spa, Alpha and other code names were used also)
    H&K Hill & Knowlton. At one time the world's largest public relations company. It ran the main tobacco industry accounts in the 1950s to 80s (sometimes via subsidiaries such as E Bruce Harrison, etc). However the company split in 1989 when some of the executives objected to the tobacco links, which then passed over to Burston-Marsteller and APCO. H&K is now part of the global WPP group, who's chairman (until recently) was PM's ex-CEO Hamish Maxwell.
    HALT Help Abolish Legal Tyranny One of the many "tort reform" astroturfs put together by APCO in its fight to reduce the risk of product liability laws for tobacco and other industries.
    HAN Heidelberg Appeal of Netherlands This was an extension of the infamous ICSE organisation put together by a consortium of climate-denial industries to promote the Appeal as a genuine expression of scientific concern.
    HBI Healthy Buildings International. a global air-quality testing company , previously known as ACVA. It was funded by the tobacco industry to ensure that second-hand smoke never was a major component in its finding. Philip Morris also paid it to produce a global magazine (in many languages) on indoor air for office managers.
    It was a gold mine for its operators because they were paid both by building owners to conduct air-quality surveys and by the tobacco industry to produce low-level measurements of tobacco smoke. Gray Robertson was himself a WhiteCoat and consultant.
    HCRA Harvard Center for Risk Analysis A private consortium run by John D Graham with the support of some other Harvard School of Public Health dons. It had foundation funding of $10 m from a half-dozen large corporations and government agencies , and now has over 100 large corporate supporters. It pays Harvard University for the rights to use the Harvard name.
    HEC Health Education Council in the UK who were constantly at odds with the tobacco industry
    HEI Health Effects Institute A part-EPA-funded research/grants institute run in association with the automobile industry and the asbestos companies in a vain attempt to try insulating the air pollution research from the funding source. It is difficult to know how successful this has been, or how independent the HEI remained (it sloughed off Clean Sites and a couple of other Waste-related operations)
    HEN-RY a Scandinavian Smokers Rights organisation It was run out of Denmark but also funded by Philip Morris in Finland, and run by a Finnish doctor.
    HES Holcomb Environmental Services Basically an pseudo-air-testing company run by Larry Holcomb, in an attempt to match the success of HBI.
    HES & HESG Health & Environmental Sciences Group A science-for-sale operation run by George Carlo. Thorne Auchter (ex OSHA) was a silent partner. They ran both tobacco and cellphone science-for-sale operations (WTR)
    HEW Health, Education and Welfare The US department which was split into separate agencies in the 1980s. It was run by Joseph Califano during the Carter Administration when the tobacco industry described the attacks he made on them as 'HEW-warfare'. HHS/DHHS is the later version of this health agency. Also called DHEW.
    HHS Health and Human Services (aka DHHS) This was formerly known as Department of HEW (or DHEW) - the US Department of Health, Education and Welfare.
    HMTA Hazardous Materials Transportation Act .
    HORECA Hotels , Restaurants, Casinos This is the formal name of an international organisation which was heavily funded by the tobacco industry to fight against smoking restrictions. It was based in Geneva.
    HSC Health and Safety Commission (UK) 
    HSE Health and Safety Executive (UK) 
    HSSCHuman Smoking Sub-committee of the Tobacco Research Council UK
    HVAC Heating , Ventillation & Air Conditioning The general mechanical-engineering discipline of keeping building environments comfortable and liveable.
    HYD Help Youth Decide A program run by the tobacco industry with the help of the NASBE to convince legislators that the companies were not trying to recruit children as future smokers. It was both a project of the Tobacco Institute and a booklet widely circulated in the 1984-86 period. Jolly Ann Davidson (President of NASBE) was recruited to front the project.
    IAI Indoor Air International. Part of the ARIA group of fake scientific organisations set up in Switzerland with Philip Morris funding. It produced the newsletter 'AirMail', and had it own 'peer-reviewed' scientific journal. It also ran seminars, workshops and conferences for the tobacco companies. See ARIA and AIA also. It was put together by Philip Morris in the UK to create a level of scientific legitimacy to their scientific recruitment (WhiteCoat) activities in Europe and Asia.
    IANOS International Assembly of National Organisations of Sports. The tobacco industry tried to start its own international sports association in competition to IANOS. (International Confederation of Sports, run by tobacco lobbyist Wayne Reid)
    IAP Indoor Air Pollution A term used sometimes in the 1980s.
    IAPAG Indoor Air Pollution Advisory Group. a fake consultancy organisation set up in Georgetown University to launder the funds of a number of scientists and academics from a few local universities with the tobacco industry. They also ran the major database of research studies for the tobacco industry's lawyers (See CEHHT). IAPAG members were the prototype 'WhiteCoats', but the term wasn't used in the USA.
    IAQ Indoor Air Quality. The tobacco industry tried for years to convince regulators and politicians that Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) was only a minor component of IAQ. They failed,. In fact dust, fungal growths, outdoor pollution, and volitile chemicals from machines, carpets and furnishings all are minor contributers to IAQ problems. The term 'Sick Building Syndrome' (SBS) was invented in an attempt to deflect the blame for workplace respiratory problems to badly maintained or inadequate air conditioning systems.
    IAQC Indoor Air Quality Coalition/Council another front group for the tobacco industry. This one was run by Brian Quinn.
    IARC International Agency for Research on Cancer the Lyon-based cancer research arm of the World Health Organisation (WHO). It conducted a major multi-national study into the possible adverse health effects of passive smoking. The tobacco industry only had limited success at penetrating this organisation, however it did have consultants at the top level of the WHO.
    IC Imperial College A London University college which housed Professor Roger Perry and PWW Kirk his faithful side-kick -- both lackeys of the tobacco industry.
    ICOSI International Committee on Smoking Issues The main global conspiracy operation based in Europe with funding from a half-dozen of the major global cigarette companies. It became INFOTAB around 1980.
    ICRDB International Cancer Research Data Bank
    ICSE International Center for Scientific Ecology A fake climate-denier organisation established by SEPP in Paris to handle the Heidelberg Appeal project (funded by tobacco and asbestos industries) Run by Michel Salomon.
    IDFCInternational Duty Free Confederation formed from ICOSAAS in 1988
    IEA Institute for Economic Affairs (UK) A peak European think-tank founded by Lord Harris of High Cross who also ran the FOREST smoker's rights operation for the tobacco industry. The IEA also spawned the Adam Smith Institute , and dozens of others similar think-tanks in Eastern Europe. It has strong institutional links to the Atlas Group of foundations.
    IEEE Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers which sets standards for human radio frequency (RF/EMF) exposures.
    IFAQ In Flight Air Quality The testing of the air-quality within aircraft. It required special portable equipment , and raised special issues with flight attendents constantly exposed to high levels of ETS.
    IIHD Institute for International Health & Development. a fake NGO which was set up by Philip Morris (possibly with US State Department and Vatican help) which ran anti-WHO operations out of offices in the Catholic University in Washington DC , and in Geneva, Switzerland. It had operations all around the world, with special emphasis later on Africa.
    IIT Illinois Institute of Technology It housed the IITRI (research division) which employed DJ Moschandreas and David Sterling.
    IITRI Illinois Institute of Techology; Research Institute which employed DJ Mosandreas and David Sterling
    ILSI International Life Sciences Institute Run by Coco-Cola (and Nestle) as a food-industry 'self-regulating' lobby and standards group. It had tobacco companies hidden involvement. It's value was that it was recognised by the World Health Organisation (including the IARC) and the Food and Agriculture Organisation as a legitimate research group and was given NGO status -- which allowed it to sit at the table when key decisions were being made.
    It ran the so-called independent scientific organisation, Toxicology Forum, as subsidiary. However they also ran lobbying operations, for instance, against California's Prop 65 Clean Water initiative.
    ILSI-HESI ILSI Health and Environmental Sciences Institute. 
    ILSI-NF The ILSI's Nutrition Foundation Philip Morris and the other tobacco companies joined this division through ownership of food subsidiaries.
    ILSI-RSI ILSI's Risk Science Institute heavily funded by the tobacco industry.
    INFOTAB International Tobacco Information Center An International lobby organisation run by Bryan Simpson until 1990 , then John Bloxcidge for the cigarette manufacturers. It put out propaganda and tried to influence the European Union and United Nations agencies, and coordinate action worldwide.
    IOCU International Organisation of Consumer's Unions. They tended to act almost as a division of WHO.
    IRET Institute for Research on the Economics of Taxation run by PM's friend Norman Ture.
    IRLG Interagency Regulatory Liaison Group This was an attempt to coordinate the activities and definitions of the various government agencies, FDA, EPA, OSHA, etc.
    IRP Institute for Regulatory Policy An astroturf/policy institute created for the tobacco industry by Thorne Auchter and Jim Tozzi at MBS. It mainly worked on the promotion of Risk Assessment as a way of countering regulation by the EPA.
    ISC Independent Scientific Committee (on S&H) A committee of the UK government in the 1980s
    ISCSH (UK) Independent Scientific Committee on Smoking & Health This committee generally opposed public smoking, when not under Tory governments. However under the Thatcher-Tory government they became a sham smoking and health regulator.
    ISIAQ International Society for Indoor Air (& Climate) This was set up by tobacco industry scientists/lobbyists. However they recruited so many genuine scientists to provide the organisation with a facade of legitimacy, that they appear to have lost control of it ... and it became a legitimate scientific society.(maybe?)
    ISO International Standards Organization This organisation set standards for testing tobacco smoke, EMF, etc. So it was important to the tobacco companies. It is actually not a UN organisation, but rather a cooperative.
    ISREC Institute of Cancer Research in Lausanne This appears to be a Swiss government research institute which housed the Leuchtenbergers (tobacco researchers)
    ITC Interagency Testing-Committee (USA) 
    ITC International Technology Corporation
    JAL Japanese Air Lines This airline had major concerns with smoking because most Japanese executives smoked.
    JDR&P Jones Day Reavis & Pogue This was a very large, world-wide legal partnership which has strong links to the US State Department.
    JECFA Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives 
    JTI Japanese Tobacco Institute 
    K&S King & Spalding Atlanta-based legal firm which had London offices and worked extensively for the tobacco industry.
    KF Kraft Foods a subsidiary of Philip Morris that they often used to hide payments from the tobacco company
    KGF Kraft General Foods (Also Kraft General Foundation) a major subsidiary of Philip Morris that was often used to hide payments from the tobacco company
    KTHRI KentuckyTobacco and Health Research Institute In Lexinton KY. Funded and controlled by the tobacco industry at Kentucky University.
    L&M Liggett & Meyers Tobacco company
    LOR Lorillard Tobacco company
    LRD Literature Retrieval Division of the CTR. Effectively, this was the industry's joint database of scientific research and legal precedences, The lawyers wanted it shifted out of this organisation and placed under a law-firm to prevent discovery during court-cases.
    LST Life Skills Training A curriculum organised and devised by Philip Morris , and promoted by PM and B&W through school boards.
    LTE Letter to the Editor Probably the most widely used method of lobbying.
    LW&K Lovell White & King UK lawyer for BAT which later became WL&D (Durrant)
    LWD Lovell White Durrant UK legal and lobbying firm. It was the UK equivalent of Shook, Hardy and Bacon in the USA. It became the specialist contract training firm for the 'Document retention' (ie destruction) program around the world.
    MAFF Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (UK) 
    MAN Media Access Network or Media Action Network or Media, Advertising, Newspapers: It depends on the company and the period. In Philip Morris USA this meant the eighteen top PR firms which were located in the top 25 media markets. MAN consultants in various states looked after their local columnists, editors, etc.
    MBS Multinational Business Services The top-level disinformation organisation run by Jim Tozzi and Thorne Auchter. They had Federal Focus, CRE, IRP and a dozen or so other faux policy-institutes and fake societies under this umbrella. Currently they run the "Center for Regulatory Effectiveness" (CRE).
    MCAManufacturing Chemists Association the 1970s precursor to the Chemical Manufacturer's Association (CMA) which later became the American Chemical Council (ACC).
    MCDS Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy (Aust) A council of state health ministers that promoted labelling regulations in Australia.
    MCLMaximum Constituent Level This is the maximum tar and nicotine (and any other substance the regulator deems important) permitted in the cigarette. Different regions/countries had different MCLs.
    MCRA Medical Care Recovery Act Federal act used to sue the tobacco companies in 1999
    MCS Multiple Chemical Sensitivities This interested the tobacco industry since it offered an alternative explanation to ETS induced Sick Building Syndrome ... but it also increased the threat of regulatory action on IAQ. The tobacco industry was worried that one of the chemicals identified in poor indoor air quality testing might be tobacco smoke.
    META Middle East Tobacco Association formally constituted in 1998 for "promoting and defending the Tobacco Industry in the GCC countries (BAT , Gallaher, PM, Reynolds, Rothmans and B&W)
    MEWG Middle East Working Group The group of tobacco representative who colluded in the joint strategy to block smoking restrictions in the Gulf countries.
    MRC Medical Research Council This could refer to a large number of Councils, but it probably refers to the UK which linked smoking with cancer in 1955.
    MRH Martin Ryan Haley who's company of the same name provides political lobbying information including legislation tracking.
    MS Mainstream Smoke
    MSA Master Settlement Agreement An agreement made in the late 1990s between the US federal and state governments and the tobacco industry. They paid a few hundred million dollars in compensation for health care costs , and received some immunities from prosecution. The tobacco documents were opened to the public under this agreement.
    MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets Testing for the safety of tobacco ingredients. Toxicology reports were required by some national health authorities.
    MTD Maximum Tolerable Dose Used in risk-assessment to suggest that there is a threshold for danger in toxic substances. If you keep below the MTD, the toxic compound does not constitute a danger
    MV Mission Viejo A Californian real-estate (closed community) development company owned very profitably by Philip Morris.
    NACA National Agricultural Chemicals Association
    NACD National Association of Counties supported by grant from TI
    NACS National Assoc of Convenience Stores supported by grant from TI
    NALEO National Assoc of Latino Elected Officials supported by grant from TI
    NAM National Association of Manufacturers Don't confuse with NMA. This is the largest broad-based industrial trade assocaition in the USA. It worked closely with the Tobacco Institute on occasions.
    NAM National Association of Manufacturers the US association of general industrial manufacturers (not specifically cigarettes)
    NAN National Assoc of Neighborhoods supported by grant from TI
    NAS National Academy of Sciences The umbrella organisation
    NAS/NRC National Research Council of the NAS This organisation handles the research.
    NASBE National Association of State Boards of Education The president of this organisation , Jolly Ann Davidson, was an important promoter of the tobacco industry's claim not to be influencing young people to smoke. See HYD
    NASDA National Asscociation of State Depts of Agriculture which was supported by grant from TI
    NAW National Association of Wholesalers (Later they added -Distributors , but didn't use NAWD) They were close associates of the tobacco industry especially in tort-reform projects.
    NBCSL National Black Caucus of State Legislators supported by a $8,000 grant from TI
    NBS National Building Standards Does some testing for government agencies (including fire propensity of cigarettes)
    NCEHS National Center for Environmental Health Strategies a multiple chemical sensitivity action group.
    NCI National Cancer Institute A government research agency; a subdivision of the NIH
    NCI/TWG National Cancer Institute -Tobacco Working Group. It came under the the control of the tobacco industry and was dissolved, and its director Gio Gori fired.
    NCIAQ National Coalition on Indoor Air Quality This was a trade (air conditioning) association, and Philip Morris were invited to become an active member with full voting rights in 1992.
    NCIR National Center for Intitative Review This was put together by a PR company to act as a watchdog to block public-smoking-ban initiatives. it was founded and supported by grants from TI
    NCL National League of Cities supported by grant from TI
    NCLC&S Nat Soc of Legislative Clerks & Secretaries supported by grant from TI
    NCLCC National Coalition for Legal Cost Containment another of the tort reform organisations.
    NCSL National Conference of State Legislatures supported by grant from TI
    NCTR National Center for Toxicological Research
    NED National Endowment for Democracy a semi-US government funding channel used to launder money for Oliver North's Nicuarguan activities and some associated 'stink-tanks'.
    NFIB National Federation of Independent Business A collaborator with the tobacco industry in almost all attempts to reduce smoking , and limit legal liability.
    NGA National Governor's Associations (NE/Mid West?Southern/Western) supported by grant from TI. It was used to launder both campaign contributions, and to provide junkets.
    NGO Non-Government Organsiation. this term is applied to organisations like the Red Cross which are independent of governments and the United Nations , but which are recognised as legitimate health-promoting, and therefore entitled to take part in WHO deliberations.
    NH&MRC National Health & Medical Research Committee The Australian government-funded research-granting committee.
    NHMRC National Health and Medical Research~Council (Australia) 
    NICSH US National Interagency Council on Smoking & Health based in New York with membership drawn from dozens of government and medical organisations.
    NIEHS National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences A subdivision of the US National Institutes for Health (NIH).
    NIH National Institutes of Health (plural) This is the US's national medical research agency and the umbrella over the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and others. It is part of the DHHS.
    NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health part of the NIH
    NLBA National Licensed Beverage Association supported by (appr.$4,000) grants from the Tobacco Institute.
    NMA National Manufacturers Associations: In common use by the US disinformation experts it refered to national lobby organisations such as the Tobacco Institute, or to any similar lobby-research-propaganda organisation in each country. In Europe it may also mean a meeting of top cigarette executives. Don't confuse with NAM which was the US National Association of Manufacturers (general industrial).
  • NO = Nitric oxide This is a free-radical and a recognised 'signaling molecule' in biology. It is also a pollutant resulting from combustion; too little in the body is dangerous as is too much.
  • NO2 = Nitrogen dioxide This is a serious air pollutant which produces respiratory problems.
  • N20 = Nitrous oxide This is laughing gas; an anesthetic.
  • NOWL National Order of Women Legislators supported by grant from TI
    NPL Newman Partners Ltd a science-lobby company consisting of Lloyd ('Larry") Newman who ran the business, and Fred Newman who was senior internal legal counsel to Philip Morris. The company still operates in Columbia, VA. but the tobacco business passed over to APCO.
    NPR & NPRM Notice of Proposed Rulemaking usually a process of the OSHA to give time for industries to react. It was the formal followup to the ANPRM (Advanced notice of proposed rulemaking)
    NRA National Restaurant Association US lobby group which was funded to fight against smoking bans in restaurants.
  • National Rifle Association Which probably has the best-financed , most highly-active, and most effective political lobby in the world.
  • "NRA strategy" (also called 'Big Chill) was to mount a campaign against a candidate for office; beat him at the election, then let other Congressmen know you have done this.
  • NRC National Republican Committee The top organisation and strategy committee.
    NRC US National Research Council of the National Science Academy.
    NRDC Natural Resources Defense Council An activist group which uses legal means to protect wildlife and a healthy environment.
    NRSC National Republican Senatorial Committee
    NSA/NRC The National Science Academy has a National Research Council to do some of the investigative work. 
    NSB US National Science Board
    NSM New Smoking Materials a vague term used to cover various tobacco substitutes (some of which are reconstituted tobacco). Imperial Tobacco in the UK was particularly enamoured with the possibilities of NSMs.
    Also called NTM New Tobacco Materials: Experimental materials intended to replace tobacco in cigarettes.
    NTEC National Tobacco Education Council RJR and PM were attempting to revive this in September 1996.
    NTIS National Technical Information Service (USA) A Library of Congress subdivision, best known for its extensive database of research abstracts.
    NTMNew Tobacco Materials. See NSM. 
    NTP National Toxicology Program Run by the US government through the NIEHS (and therefore part of the NCI). It produced lists of known and suspected carcinogens. It had its own testing laboratories, but was enormously overloaded with work so it never really became a threat to tobacco.
    NYS New York Society (for International Affairs) A common truncated abbreviation for the NYSIA (below)
    NYSIA New York Society for International Affairs. (aka NY Society) A fake'business-friendly' international organisation run entirely by Andrew Whist at Philip Morris as a way to fund political junkets and pay-offs.
    NZ New Zealand
    OCAW Organization of Chemical and Atomic Workers
    OCC Office of Cancer Communications, National Cancer Institute
    OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development A semi-government economics organisation in Europe.
    OFSP Swiss Federal Public Health Office 
    OHMR Office of Hazardous Materials Regulations
    OIRA Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs A subdivision of the OMB which had oversight on the main US government regulators. It exercised extraordinary power to disrupt the regulatory agencies during the Reagan Administration under Jim Tozzi , and again during the second Bush administration under John D Graham.
    OMB Office of Management & Budget This is a White House operation which, in the Reagan Administration, took control of the major regulatory agencies and effectively stripped them of their power through controlling their budgets. It has a subsidiary, the OIRA which did the actal dirty work.
    OPP Office of Pesticide Programs a division of the EPA
    OPTS Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances a division of the EPA
    ORDOffice of Research & Development a division of the EPA
    ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratories These are private laboratories that do contract work for the tobacco and other industries. The term "national" in the US doesn't carry the connotation of "government' (as it does in some other countries).
    OSHA Occupational Safety & Health Administration. the US regulator (part of the Department of Labor) which looks after workplace safety and makes rules about occupational exposure to chemicals , pollutants, etc.
    OSS US Office of Strategic Services The US precursor to the CIA. It was disbanded after World War II.
    OSTP Office of Science and Technology Policy
    OSW Office of Solid Waste a division of the EPA
    OTAOffice of Technical/Technology Assessments of Congress? Library of Congress? It can provide independed advise to Congress, but it is also subject to partisan control.
    OTS Office of Toxic Substances a division of the EPA
    P&P Poisoning and polluting A general term for the loose coalitions of tobacco , chemical, energy, pharmaceutical and other companies which face product-liability and regulatory agency problems because of their effect on human health and/or the environment.
    PAC Poisons Advisory Council
    PAH Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons a special type of airborne compound resulting from burning (dioxins and furans). Many of this class of chemicals have been proved to be carcinogenic.
    PAHO Pan-American Health Organisation. the Meso- and South-American arm of the World Health Organisation (WHO). It operates reasonably independently of WHO. It is one of five regional divisions.
    PASS Portable Air Sampling System. These units were being developed to measure the pollution contents in aircraft, transport systems, bars and restaurants, etc. Of course the results depended on who did the measuring -- and where the device was located.
    PHS US Public Health Service
    PLCC Product Liability Coordination Committee A major corporate-funded 'tort-reform' coalition set up and run by Victor Schwartz of Crowell & Morling. It was originally called the TPLA. The aim was to reduce the potential liability of corporations like the cigarette companies , oil producers, etc. to both human damages and punitive damages, and to make it more difficult for class actions to be mounted.
    PM Philip Morris Just the general term
    PM USA Specifically the domestic company It had about half of the most agrressive of the inhouse lobbyists and scientific disinformation experts. As the group grew, power shifted progressively to PMI.
    PME Philip Morris Europe. the division which looked after the European Common Market countries (in the early years, also Switzerland and the Scandinavian countries). It had its headquarters in Switzerland, but the Corporate Affairs division was later shifted to Brussels. This later divided into PM EEC (European Common Market area) and PM EEMA (Scandinavia, Switzerland, Middle East and North Africa)
    PMI Philip Morris International This division looked after Philip Morris operations around the world except for the US domestic (PM USA) market. The term Philip Morris Inc. was once used for the whole group - the holding company (Later called PM Group , or PMCC). There was also briefly a PM Industrial company.
    PML Philip Morris Ltd The name used by the company in Australia. (Also PMA)
    PMMC PM Management Company Also for a while PM Management Corp.
    POP Persistent Organic Pollutants Predominantly pesticides and the break-down products of pesticides that are now widely limited by the Stockholm Convention.
    PR Public Relations 
    QEP Quantative Estimation and Prediction. A technique favoured by many of the independent and government scientists who made up the World Health Organisation's health-research committees. It was the alternative to the tobacco-industry's GEP, so they tried to block its use.
    R/F & RF Radio Frequency the radio part of the Electro-magnetic spectrum (ie EMF)
    RI Rothman's International Originally a South African company
    RICO Racketeer Influenced & Corrupt Organisations act Designed to be used against conspiracies and organisations like the Mafia, but later turned against the tobacco industry.
    RJR RJ Reynolds Tobacco Co. This company was taken over by KKR in a junk-bond buyout, and eventually it became Reynolds Nabisco. It was originally the most profitable of the American tobacco giants, but the asset strippers destroyed most of its profitability.
    RJRN RJ Reynolds-Nabisco The name used after the tobacco company acquired the Nabisco operations.
    RJRT RJ Reynolds Tobacco The distinction is probably being made between the tobacco side of RJR's business and its extensive food operations (Del Monte , etc), shipping, oil etc.
    RLC Research Liason Committee a committee of the Tobacco Institute (was RRC before) This committee had members from the scientific , technical, PR, and legal sectors. The two legal members were from the Committee of Counsel. Their project were usually paid via Special Project #4 accounts. (secret)
    RRC Research Review Committee A short-lived committee of the Tobacco Institute , which became the Research Liason Committee in Oct 1974.
    RSP Respirable Suspended Particulate ETS carbon/solid pollution, as distinct from nicotine and such substances as VOCs which are not particles but gases.
    RTS Reconstituted Tobacco Sheets A fancy name originally for the scraps left over, which were compressed into a usable form; later this became a deliberately-made tobacco substitute which (they hoped) would be less cancerous.
    RYORoll Your Own seen as a competitive market to cigarettes.
    S&H Smoking & Health A general term used throughout the industry.
    S&L Savings & Loans Refers (probably) to the great scandal in 1982 which involved US politicians like John McCain.
    S&T Science & Technology. Philip Morris had a S&T division in USA and another at their FTR headquarters in Neuchatel , Switzerland. These groups ran the major scientific disinformation campaigns and WhiteCoat operations in Europe and America. They dealt with Smoking & Health issues.
    Legitimate research was done by the acutal R&D division at Richmond which was quite a separate operation (although sometimes called upon to collaborate).
    SA Scientific Affairs A term commonly used in Philip Morris USA , See also WSA (Worldwide Scientific Affairs). These were disinformation operations, not genuine R&D.
    SAB Scientific Advisory Board These varied from completely independent groups of experts, to heavily loaded cabals of paid scientists. SAG (Group) was also used.
    SAC Scientific Advisory Committee Similar to a SAB but the advisory committees tend to be less specific - it was there to provide advice.
    SAD State Activities Division/Directors The Tobacco Institute's staff who handle the local lobbyists in the various states. They usually worked under Regional Directors.
    SAMHSA Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration This had been known as ADAMHA until mid 1995.
    SAMMEC Smoking-attributable Mortality , Morbidity and Economic Costs A CDC computer model for evaluating the 'social cost' of smoking. There were two versions.
    SAPC State Activities Policy Committee of the Tobacco Institute.
    SAR Specific Absorption Rate A measure of how different body tissues absorb the energy in radio waves.
    SARA Superfund Amendments and Reauthorisation Act This gave the EPA the right to investigate indoor air (radon and tobacco smoke).
    SAS Scandinavian Air Services The first of the airlines to become concerned about air quality in their aircraft.
    SAU Social Affairs Unit An UK think-tank run by Digby Anderson that worked extensively for the tobacco industry.
    SAWP Social Acceptability Working Party a subcommittee of the ICOSI (later INFOTAB). These were top political manipulators from most of the global tobacco companies which met regularly in Europe to plan infiltration and counter-attacks against the WHO , anti-smoking conferences, and general environmental activist organisations. It had very little to do with 'acceptability' and a lot to do with infiltration of regulatory authorities, bribery, recruitment of associates, formation of coalitions, and the flow of misinformatiom.
    SBS Sick Building Syndrome. This was an idea successfully promoted by Theodor Sterling and a couple of other tobacco industry consultants to exploit exaggerated fears of Legionairre's Disease (a dangerous bacteria sometimes found in air-conditioning water supplies) and misdirect public attention away from tobacco smoke. SBS , they suggested, was the cause of respiratory workplace problems, not ETS in the ambient air. The solution they then offered was replacing air-conditioning equipment and regular maintenance, not the banning of workplace smoking. (There was a smidgen of truth in the claims).
    SCALES Stop the Collapse of America's Legal Ethics a project run by the Washington Legal Foundation as part of its promotion of the tort-reform activities of its Big Business funders.
    SCF Scientific Committee for Food (EEC) 
    SCORES Society for Consideration of Restrictions on Smoking
    SCOTH Standing Committee on Tobacco & Health (?) UK committee that reported to the government on the dangers of ETS.
    SEITA Societe Nationale d'Exploitation Industrielle des Tabacs et Allumettes French national tobacco monopoly.
    SEIU Service Employees International Union 
    SEPP Science & Environmental Policy Project A lobby group set up by S Fred Singer with Alexis de Tocqueville and Unification Church assistance , and funded by energy, chemical and tobacco companies. APCO played a key organisational role.
    SFSP French Society of Public Health
    SG Surgeon-General Under the Secretary for Health , the Sur-Gen had responsibility for Administration and Congressional advice on smoking and health. The tobacco industry was able to veto Republican candidates for this office.
    SGA State Government Affairs in Tobacco Institute and Philip Morris USA lobbying circles
    SGA State Governor's Association when dealing with junkets and influence.
    SGAC Surgeon-General's Advisory Committee The group of scientists who actually wrote the Surgeon-General's report on smoking and health each year. It was infiltrated by the tobacco industry in the early years , but achieved relative independence later.
    SGAC State Government Affairs Council supported by grant from TI
    SH&B Shook Hardy & Bacon The US tobacco industry's main coordinator of global illicit activities (litigation witness recruitment, database of useful research, money laundering, pay-off of scientists, political bribery) since 1960. It is based in Kansas City. They had offices and associates all over the world working for the tobacco industry and they ran the secret Special Account #4 operations to pay academics, etc.
    SHB Shook Hardy & Bacon The US tobacco industry's main coordinator of global activities (litigation , pay-off of scientists, political bribery) since 1960. It is based in Kansas City.
    SI Statutory Instrument 
    SIGMA A type of smoking machine Used for extracting smoke tars.
    SLCScientific Liason Committee of the UK TAC. 
    SLLF State Legislative Leaders Foundation supported by $5 ,000 grant from TI
    SPF Specific Pathogen Free Research laboratory animals which are guaranteed as free of pathogens. These animals need specially sterile facilities since they have few antibodies.
    SPI Society of the Plastics Industry which fronted the CURE operation
    SRG Smokers Rights Groups Supposedly 'grassroots' organisations; they were usually founded and funded by the tobacco industry (mainly PM) using Burson-Marsteller PR agency.
    SRI Stanford Research Institute which did a lot of secret work for the joint-tobacco industry Research Liason Group and other confiential research for companies.
    SRMSmoker's Rights Meetings ( the initial meetings, also called 'Stingers') 
    SRRC Scientific Research Review Committee (PM Richmond) This was a committee of genuine scientists headed by Cathy Ellis (who also dabbled in disinformation).
    SS Sidestream Smoke as disinct from MS or Mainstream Smoke. These two are components of ETS. SS hasn't passed through the lungs of anyone , and the tobacco burned at a lower temperature.
    SS-ETS Sidestream Smoke & Environmental Tobacco Smoke The distinction is being made here between the overall tobacco pollution of the air , and the component of that caused by cigarettes just burning in (say) an ashtray. ETS consists of exhaled smoke and side-stream smoke.
    SSI The Dutch Cigarette Manufacturers Association
    STA Swedish Tobacco Association which employed Covington & Burling in 1988 to counter a Swedish government commission to reduce smoking.
    STAG Scientific and Technical Advisory Group (of ICOSI) A scientific organisation of the tobacco industry which actually consisted of scientists doing product (as distinct from health) research.
    STAT Stand Tall Against Tobacco A fervent anti-smoking group. Promoted prevention and cessation in middle schools. Fought against teenage addiction.
    STIC Special Trial Issues Committee This was the later witness development team of the National Committee of tobacco legal counsel.
    SWT Scientific Witness Team The tobacco industry had a number of these. They were flying-squads of friendly scientists who could reliably be flown in to any problem area in the world to give courtroom or Congress/parliamentary evidence that smoking was entirely a healthy habit.
    TABAC A French Smoker's Club funded by the industry.
    TAC Tobacco Advisory Council (UK) Which provided the tobacco industry with an organisation to deal with governments and coordinate their surrepitious activities. It was the British version of the US Tobacco Institute, and it had its PRC (Public Relations Committee) and other sub-committees. It was the replacement for the older TRC, and, in turn, it became TMA (Tobacco Manufacturers Assn) in Jan 1994. It directed most of the UK's dirty tricks.
    TAN Tobacco Action Network Begun by TI in 1978 , and was organised on a state-by-state basis to be run by 'friends of tobacco' (enlisted tobacco workers).
    TASSC The Advancement for Sound Science Coalition. a notorious fake scientific organisation set up for Philip Morris to push the line that the EPA regulators and other anti-smoking scientists were using "junk science". It also established the web site. TASSC was established by APCO & Associates, then later handed over to be run by Powell-Tate for RJ Reynolds (with Steve Milloy as front) when it became exposed through the release of PM documents.
    Eventually it was taken over as a wider commercial operation by Steve Milloy and Bonner Cohen.
    Euro-TASSC was the copy being created for Philip Morris by B-M and APCO jointly. It was to be based in London, but it was replaced by the ESEF which was was run by Roger Bate of the IEA.
    TCJL Texas Civil Justice League another fake grassroots organisation (a CALA) working on tort-reform
    TDC Tobacco Documentation Center This was the successor to INFOTAB after 1990. It was run by lawyers Shook Hardy & Bacon.
    TDSA TDS&A Theodor D Sterling & Associates One of the most faithful and trusted research organisations associated with the tobacco industry's propaganda. It did dubious IAQ building testing and anything else that paid well.
    TFA Tobacco Research Committee (German Verband -- VdC-Tabakforshungsausschuss) Set up in 1977 to replace the Forschungsrat.
    TFPTobacco ??? Production A process of making reconstituted sheets for cigarette production. TFP is added to cigarettes at various levels.
    TGIC Tobacco Growers Industrial Council or committee. They seemed to operate independently of the TI, but were supported by grants from TI. The GOP has various formal and informal factions, ranging from liberal-progressives (very much out of power in the 1980s and 90s); economic rationalists (the privatise everything brigade); the rat-bag religious right (run by ecumenicals and fundamentalists); the war-mongering neo-cons (ex Trotskiites), and George Dubya Bush's "compassionate conservatives".
    THRI Tobacco & Health Research institute A Tobacco-funded and part-controlled research institute at the Kentucky university. It was funded via a special Kentucky tax on cigarettes.
    TI Tobacco Institute The Washington DC-based operation which lobbied for the industry. It had state divisions and regional controllers.
    TIA Tobacco Institute of Australia The Aussie version of the TI.
    TIPAC Tobacco Institute PAC ( Political Action Committee) A useful political bribery fund.
    TIRC Tobacco industry Research Committee established in 1954 in reaction to the first wave of evidence showing cigarettes produced lung cancer. It later became the CTR.
    TLF Tobacco Litigation File. held by the CTR on behalf of the Ad Hoc Committee of Litigation Lawyers for the tobacco industry (c 1981) This became LSI.
    TLV Threshold limit value 
    TMA Tobacco Manufacturer's Association (UK) This was the later change of name from the TRC (in Jan 1994
    TMA Tobacco Merchants Association In the USA
    TMSC Tobacco Manufacturers Standing Committee Created in the UK in 1956 and modelled after the American TIRC. It later became the TRC and then TAC.
    TNO Center for Applied Scientific Research A Dutch organisation used by the tobacco industry to do some research, prepare booklets, etc. It was a science-for-sale operation when required.
    TOHTobacco Or Health A major World Health Organisation program
    TOPPAC Tobacco People's PAC a way of raising funds supposedly from industry executives -- used to bribe politicians via campaign funding.
    TPLA The Produce Liability Alliance This was a tort-reform coalition operated and run by Victor Schwartz of Crowell & Moring. It changed name to Product Liability Coordination Committee (PLCC)
    TPMTotal Particulate Matter the visible particles in smoke (the 'tar') - as distinct from the invisible vapor-phase compounds
    TPRT Tobacco Products Research Trust This group supposedly "pursued the strategy of harm reduction" - making a safer cigarette.
    TRC Tobacco Research Council (UK) This group of manufacturer's representatives (the science lobbyists) change its name to TAC in Jan 1979.
    TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act (USA) 
    TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act. Law passed in 1976 to address non-pesticidal toxic chemicals (mainly asbestos). It empowered the EPA to act.
    TSM Tobacco Sales Monitors who visited the retail stores and monitored their displays [Medical=Tracheal Smooth Muscle]
    TSSG Toxic Substances Strategy Group Set up by the president's Executive Order in 1977. Comprised regulatory and research agencies.
    TTF Tobacco Task Force Philip Morris's high-level tactical group comprising executives and key operatives. (c) 1994 [It was also known as the Tobacco Action Force & Tobacco Action team]
    TTG Tobacco Technology Group Philip Morris's product development group based in Richmond
    TTO The Tobacco Observer The Tobacco Institute's newsletter.
    TVOC Total Volatile Organic Compounds The total pollutants in the air from petrol and other fumes , etc. (as distinct from particulate matter).
    TWG Tobacco Working Group This was a joint industry and government (NCI) group of research executives who met for many years , supposedly to direct research with the aim of formulating a 'safe cigarette'. It was run by Dr Gori, and largely a charade in the latter stages.
    UCB University of California at Berkley The home of Bruce Ames and Lois Gold.
    UICC Union Internationale for Cancer Control A UN-related organisation based in Switzerland.
    UKUnited Kingdom OR University of Kentucky "The UK study..." can mean either.
    UKEMS UK EMS working group Involved in research on tobacco markers.
    UNEP United Nations Environment Programme 
    UPI United Press International A news distribution organisation (print and TV). It was available to distribute company material as if it were news. UPI was bought by Rev. Sun Myung Moon and his Unification Church (Moonies).
    USCEA US Cigarette Exporters Association This organisation had strong political support for flogging cancer-sticks to under-developed countries well after the promotion of domestic smoking was being restricted in the USA
    USCM US Conference of Mayors supported by grant from TI
    USEPAUS Environmenal Protection Agency A longer abbreviation for EPA sometimes used.
    USHCC US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce PM and RJR gave them about $100,000 per year for their support. They lobbied on the industry's behalf.
    USTI United States/Tobacco Institute A term for the Tobacco Institute sometimes used outside the US.
    VDC See Verband A German cigarette manufacturers umbrella group. Its role is PR and lobbying.
    VERUM German name for "Behaviour and Environmental Foundation Another in the long list of fake tobacco foundations used to produce propaganda.
    VNR Video News Release Video shot and edited by a company , but then circulated to TV stations who use it (usually without mentioning the source) as if it were legitimate news.
    VOC Volatile Organic Compounds Pollutants in the air such as petrol fumes , etc. many of which are carcinogenic.
    WA Western Australia The state which led the anti-smoking push in Australia in the mid-1980s.
    WCS&R Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice Washington legal lobby firm which worked for tobacco industry extensively
    WD&HOW WD & HO Wills The Australian subsidiary of BAT which operated as an independent company only to a very limited extent. Most of the decisions were made in the UK.
    WHA World Health Assembly. the multi-national advisory body for the World Health Organisation.
    WHO World Health Organisation. the United National agency charged with promoting global health. It has a research arm called IARC , and various branches, such as PAHO (Pan-American Health Organisation) and an overall advisory body, the WHA (World Health Assembly).
    WIFE Women Involved in Farm Economics supported by grant from TI
    WKAWalter Klein & Associates tobacco lobby firm
    WLF Washington Legal Foundation The first of the conservative , business-funded 'legal foundations' set up to challenge activists via amicus briefs, and working also on behalf of the Republican party.
    WOE Weight of Evidence A methodology used in scientific evaluation. The problem is who applies , what weigthts, to which evidence, and why.
    WPP Wire & Plastic Products This was a shelf company taken over by Martin Sorrell and used to build an empire. it became a worldwide public relations & advertising conglomerate (one of three giants). Since 1985 it has progressively absorbed most of the tobacco industry's PR companies, advertising agencies, and polling services. It later had as its chairman, Hamish Maxwell, ex CEO of Philip Morris.
    WRA Worldwide Regulatory Affairs (of Philip Morris) This began in June 1994 and combined political expertise from both the International and the USA domestic divisions. It came under the revamped Corporate Affairs.
    WRO Washington Relations Office the corporate Congressional lobbyists in DC..
    WSA Wordwide Scientific Affairs (of Philip Morris) (aka SA=Scientific Affairs) This division operated internationally and dealt with Smoking & Health issues. It took over the Whitecoats , and also ran some legitimate symposiums for (ie product-improvement) scientists
    WTIG Weinberg's Tobacco Industry Group A Whitecoats recruitment program run by Myron Weinberg's company in support of C&B until late 1991.
    WTR Wireless Technology Research Set up by George Carlo for the CTIA as a front for 'pretend research program' into cellphone safety.
    XA Liggett code name This was the palladium "safe cigarette"
    XDU One of RJ Reynold's codenames. In was eventually named the Premier which was a 'tube' cigarette (also codenamed 'Spa' for a while)
    ZHC (Italian term - unknown). a scientific consulting group set up in Italy and run under the auspices of the PR company, SRC Associati.