This site deals only with the corporate corruption of science, and makes no inference about the motives or activities of individuals involved.
There are many reasons why individuals become embroiled in corporate corruption activities - from political zealotry to over-enthusiastic activism; from gullibility to greed.
Please read the OVERVIEW carefully, and make up your own mind.
[Temporary: while site is under construction] Pollack Associates
(Pollack & Associates) Pollack Associates was founded by Earl S Pollack, one of the best of the medical statisticians employed by the National Cancer Institute to investigate smoking and health. He was a conspicuous anti-smoking/activist scientist, who was consulted by various health organizations after leaving the NCI.
For some unexplained reason, he later sold the company to Arnold & Porter, Philip Morris's primary tobacco lawfirm. They appear to have run it partly as a publishing house for some of the Philip Morris controlled journals.
President Earl S Pollack, ScD.
Arnold & Porter's diversification hasn't stopped with APCO. The law firm also bought Pollock & Associates , a small public relations outfit, a few months ago, and started a limited partnership with William Isaac , former chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Called Secura Group , the partnership counsels more than 150 banks and savings and loans on issues like restructuring and financial regulations.
1985 April 9: The OTA's Workshop on the Costs of Smoking in New York had Earl Pollack of Pollack Associates, Ltd, Bethesda, MD in attendance.
Documents have mortality estimates, etc. for 'social cost' - extensive details about how these are calculated.
See version with some tobacco scientist's notes:
Another version with Tobacco Institute memo:
1986 Mar 24: Earl S Pollack is also consulted on the 1986 Surgeon General's Report on the Health Consequences of Using Smokless Tobacco.
1997April: 15 Lists Pollack Associates as the publishers of the "Supermarket Strategic Alert". This comes from Philip Morris files.
Also Oct 1998