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CREATED 11/4/2010

WARNING: This site deals only with the corporate corruption of science, and makes no inference about the motives or activities of individuals involved.
    There are many reasons why individuals become embroiled in corporate corruption activities - from political zealotry to over-enthusiastic activism; from gullibility to greed.
    Please read the OVERVIEW carefully, and make up your own mind.






Robert S ('Bob') Peck    

Some key documents

Legislative Counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

1993 /E: Philip Morris lists a range of third-party helpers in their fight over the right to advertise and to sponsor sports. The broad headings of their key activites were:

  1. Washington Legal Foundation Backgrounders

    [These helped small law firms fight cases in the states.]

  2. Commercial Speech Seminars/Roundtables
  3. New Activities
    American Civil Liberties Union Commercial Speech Workshop
    Distribute materials developed by ACLU Washington Office's Bob Peck, to state CLU affiliates, legislators and the press . Develop new materials, principally white papers which advance arguments on constitutional protection.
  4. Commerical Speech Policy Papers

1993 Mar 17: Internal memo circulated at the Tobacco Institute:

At Brennan [Dawson]'s suggestion (calling from Burson[-Marsteller]) please refer any reporters calling you about Sen. Harkin's proposal to Bob Peck at the ACLU at (202) 544-1681.

    The ACLU referral would be in addition to your comments opposing the Harkin proposal. (Carol [Hrycaj] circulated a handy two-pager to refresh our First Amendment arguments.)

[Bob Peck, ACLU legislative counsel, was outlining arguments against the Harkin/Bradley proposal expressly detailing the 'unconstitutionality of the measure.']

1994 Dec 10: Karen Darangan (PM) report on the industry's Surgeon General's Task Force. They have a "Wish List of Resources" that need to be developed for "proactive and defensive response" to the next Surgeon General's report on Smoking and Health.

  • Burson-Marsteller and Young & Rubican are being contracted to help with research and the identification of scientific studies.
  • Others are putting together a list of third party experts, including the COURSE advisory board.
  • They are updating their Youth Progams
Attached is a list of experts who can be called upon to support various issues which may arise. These are generally from third-party organisations which often supported the tobacco industry, but there was also an "Other" caregory which listed:
  • Scott Ward
  • Richard Mizerski (University of Florida)
  • Martha Rogers
  • Howard Beale (George Washington University)
  • Joel Dubow, Editor, Food and Beverage Marketing
  • Bob Peck, American Civil Liberties Union

1994 /E: A Tobacco Institute planning proposal outlines many third-party friends willing to help them fight advertising bans.


    Develop a core group of allies in the advertising industry who will defend the right to advertise legal products. The core group will testify at hearings, mobilize supporters to write letters to legislators, respond to media inquiries and draft Amicus briefs in support of legal action that would further protection for commercial speech.

American Civil Liberties Union:
At the national level, the ACLU is a strong supporter of commercial speech. ACLU President Nadine Strossen and Washington representative Bob Peck frequently write articles and testify against tobacco ad bans. ACLU state affiliates have also testified against tobacco ad bans.



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