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CREATED 10/7/2010

WARNING: This site deals only with the corporate corruption of science, and makes no inference about the motives or activities of individuals involved.
    There are many reasons why individuals become embroiled in corporate corruption activities - from political zealotry to over-enthusiastic activism; from gullibility to greed.
    Please read the OVERVIEW carefully, and make up your own mind.






Albert H Niden     [ Dr]    

— Another medical academic who sold out to the tobacco industry. —  

Some key documents

• Charles R Drew Postgraduate Medical School, Los Angeles

1978: A San Francico physician who helped the tobacco industry defeat the 1978 Prop 5 anti-smoking initiative. He wrote an article for the op-ed pages of the Los Angeles Times (a newpaper which was a 'friend of tobacco' at that time) in opposition to one by the ex Surgeon-General Dr Luther L Terry. He claimed the effects of ETS were inconclusive.

1978 June: /E He is listed under Special Account #4 Consultancies (secret payments made via the lawyers). The Project is:

Preparation of statement re: public smoking — $6,325.

[About $3,000 more than any of the other scientists participating in this deception]

1978 Nov 14: Norman Weissman at Bio Sciences Labs in California has sent his brother George Weissman [top executive] at Philip Morris a clipping by Dr Albert H Niden.

"It's the best statement I have seen by a person who knows what the evidence shows."

    This has been filed under "Proposition 5" and circulated to all of the key PM executives.

1981 Aug 26: Internal Philip Morris document sent to Tom Osdene (Director of Science & Technology — the issues management section of PM USA) by Ragnar Rylander [Swedish corrupt scientist], via the Richmond R&D section. "Notes on goal and structure of the Second Workshop on ETS." It says the purpose of this "by invitation only" workshop will be to

"critically review information (of ETS effects on) lung cancer, respiratory function and disease among children."
As with the First Rylander Workshop in Bermuda, the main sections of the conference were to be controlled by tobacco-friendly scientists (Rylander, Gary Huber, Bjorne Bake, eyc.) and the proposed participant list had a preponderance of tobacco-friendly scientists, with a few from the genuine research sector to provide some semblance of credibility. Niden was on the participants list.

    This project became Rylander's March 1983 workshop in Geneva.

1981 Aug 31: Don Hoel, the tobacco lawyer of Shook Hardy and Bacon has written a 'note to file' about the proposed Rylander-organized symposium on Environmental tobacco smoke effects on the nonsmoker-II This includes a list of those to be invited.

    Niden had a question-mark against his name.

1984 Oct 2: The annual reconciliation and auditing of the tobacco industry's secret accounts: "Special Account #4" (Aug 31 1984) show Niden has been paid $6,900.

1990 Mar 15: Lawyer Leo Dreyer reporting on ETS witness program run by Shook Hardy & Bacon (SH&B) to the tobacco industry's ETS Committee. Pat Sirridge [also at SH&B] has recommended consideration of

Dr Niden and Dr Cosentino as potential ETS witnesses . We will try to arrange appropriate follow-up with each.

1990 Mar 19: Discussion Points of the ETS committee
Dr. Niden

  • PMS will try to arrange a visit to SHB [Pat M Sirridge]
  • Conf . May 20-24, 1990, Boston, Dr Niden may be able to visit en route

1990 Mar 19: Discussion Points. A Philip Morris checklist of a series of current activities in some major disinformation projects involving the lawyer Patrick Sirridge (PMS) of Shook Hardy & Bacon who is handling the newly recruited scientists. This appears to be a list of points prepared for an industry-wide ETS Committee meeting.

  • PhD Thesis of Dr Varela [They were beating-up the doctoral thesis of a [just dead] young scientist named Varela, as pro-smoking evidence. But it didn't stand up to examination, and they fell on their face. Tom Borelli at PM ran this scam.]
  • Tailored Foam West [unknown project]
  • Greenfield/SAI [They were organizing a construction-planning/management company named SAI International Ltd , and its Vice President, Stanley Greenfield, to make some statement about the EPA's Risk Assessment of ETS]
  • The attempt recruitment of Dr Robert Pandina of Rutgers University as an ETS witness for the tobacco industry
  • Further discussions with Dr [Albert H] Niden at Shook Hardy & Bacon in Kansas City.
  • Dr Anthony Cosentino in the San Francisco area has been recommended as a further ETS witness by Pat Sirridge at Shook Hardy and Bacon.
  • Dr Demitrios Moschandreas who did work for the industry will be visited by Shook Hardy & Bacon at the Illinois Institute of Technology, Research Institute (IITRI) in Chicago.
  • Michael Lebowitz will have a meeting with [lawyer] Davis [He was a University of Arizona statistician who worked for tobacco, identifying points of attack in certain health studies.]
  • Washtech/Weinberg/Lowe meeting: April 1990 [Michael C Lowe worked with the Washington Tech Group (run by Weinberg) WTIG company 1990 - 94. This company did scientific recruiting for the tobacco and pharmacy industries.]
    • [Pat] Sirridge/ [Kit] Warner [both of Shook Hardy & Bacon] to set up April meeting in DC.[reason unknown]
    • PMS [Sirridge] letter to [John] Rupp [at Covington & Burling - corrupt-lawyer-to-corrupt-lawyer correspondence.]
  • Many more notes on other matters...


CONTRIBUTORS:sjc2 hrh2 samf

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