CREATED 11/12/2010
This site deals only with the corporate corruption of science, and makes no inference about the motives or activities of individuals involved.
There are many reasons why individuals become embroiled in corporate corruption activities - from political zealotry to over-enthusiastic activism; from gullibility to greed.
Please read the OVERVIEW carefully, and make up your own mind.
McGill University Conferences
— A notorious closed scientific conference run by Philip Morris to train a large group of tame tobacco scientists in some of the new developments in Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS). — McGill University in Montreal was the site of a famous 'scientific' conference of tobacco scientists which was held in November 1989. It was outstanding in one way only — every one of the participants at the conference was either an overt or covert employ of the tobacco industry.
Most of them were selected by Philip Morris International's Corporate Affairs Divison, under Vice President Andrew Whist. And they were all paid salaries, honoraria, or per-diems, together with all travel and accomodation expenses, to attend as participants. or to speak at the conference.
[There were a number of later tobacco conferences held at McGill university. The industry found it to be conveniently located across the border (out of US legal 'trust' jurisdiction), yet handy to the main US centers of population.]
The November 1989 McGill ETS Conference was a "by invitation only" conference, and the speakers and panelists were carefully selected to promote the industry's viewpoint on the safety of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). It was, in fact, a quasi-conference where every participant was either: - an employed executive of a tobacco company,
- an employed scientist of a tobacco company,
- a professional scientific lobbyist for a tobacco company,
- a long-term scientific consultant (or perpetual grant receiver)
- a newly recruited 'WhiteCoat' (paid scientist who pretended to be independent).
It is not entirely clear whether anyone other than Andrew Whist at Philip Morris International Corporate Affairs (which did the actual selection and organisation) were aware that all participants at this conference were tobacco touts. Initially this was to have been a Philip Morris-only affair, but later they widened it out to include Tobacco Institute consultants and executives, and in the last few weeks Whist also added a few from the RJ Reynolds and Brown & Williamson's stables. It was therefore the precursor of later collaborative scientific scam operations that were established between the tobacco companies on an international scale. However it was not useless from the viewpoint of Philip Morris. It had a number of valuable functions: - It brought together many of their tame scientists, who never would normally have met each other, and so allowed cross-fertilization of ideas and helped develop new defenses to support primary smoking and defend against the emerging new secondary (ETS) problem.
- It comforted those prone to self-delusion and paranoia that they were not alone in making public statements about the lack of proof that smoking and ETS were harmful.
- It allowed many scientists with no credentials whatsoever in the field of smoking research or passive-smoking to get published on the subject (via the ghost-written lectures recorded in the proceedings) and so establish some scientific credibility for later pronouncements.
- It provided the companies with excellent feedback in terms of their points-of-vulnerability in many of the scientific disciplines.
- It was a good international paid holiday for faithful lackeys, entirely funded by the companies. It was money well spent.
Many of the 'lectures' were ghost-written, or part-written by Philip Morris staff since many of the newer contracters had virtually no knowledge of the subject. And, after the conference, the proceedings of this conference were highly selected and deliberately manipulated by the PR and scientific staff of Philip Morris to present the best possible case for environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). These proceedings they were published (supposedly) by the Institute for International Health & Development (IIHD), run by Philip Morris legal-lobbyists David Morse and Paul Dietrich. The IIHD also appears on the flyleaf of the proceedings as the chief 'sponsor' of the conference along with McGill University itself. It was all pure fiction. The flyleaf shows that a number of organisations had been persuaded to lend their names as 'sponsors' — while every effort was made to keep Philip Morris's name from appearing on any of the documents. The archives, however, show that all speakers were all well-known to the company beforehand, and in most cases they had agreed to speak before they were officially invited. In fact the official letter of invitation was only sent on the date the final agenda was confirmed — so these were sent to scientists purely to provide them with concocted document which could be shown to university administrators. This had all the external trappings of a major conference with scientists coming from around the world. Yet it received no advanced publicity in any of the normal scientific journals, and none of the legitimate researchers in the field even knew it was being planned. In fact, every effort was made to discourage legitimate scientists working in the smoking-and-health field from knowing about the conference, let-alone attending. However the conference did serve as a training ground for some of their scientists who had been hired as experts, yet had no expertise in the field at all. The Philip Morris WhiteCoats recruitment program (in Europe, Scandinavia and Asia) had enlisted numerous scientific and medical 'experts' who were paid to make public statements, as 'independent experts', about indoor air quality and passive smoking. The problem was that many of these new recruits knew next to nothing about the subject. Ignorance was, in fact, part of their value to the tobacco industry, since no one would ever suspect them of being contractors to the industry. However they needed to be fast-tracked through a basic training and contact program to give them the fundamental answers to questions, necessary to convince journalists if interviewed. In particular, the recently-hired 'WhiteCoats' from Asia, needed some tobacco-science credentials since many were only involved in clinical medical work rather than research. They had no studies or scientific citations in the literature at all. But in the scientific world, the inclusion of a lecture given at an 'international conference,' was almost as good as the publication of a study in a 'peer-reviewed' journal. The initial link between McGill University and the tobacco industry had been established through Professor Don Ecobichon, a pharmachologist at the university's Medical School. He had been enlisted to attack the work of Professor Walter O Spitzer who had produced an epidemiologic study of environemental health conferns, and who was both the editor of the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, and professor of medicine at McGill University. His McGill associate, Ecobichon, was an expert in the detection and identification of pesticides, and he was persuaded (by hefty tobacco grants) to move into the area of tobacco-smoke chemistry. In return, he provided the industry with scientific support for its position that smoking was harmless, and helped in the development of a number of their scientific programs.
Note that more than one tobacco conference was held at McGill University, and many of the same individuals were involved.
Some key documents 1984: [In the April 19 2010 Maisonneuve Magazine article]
In 1984, the Committee of Counsel [Tobacco lawyers] established an ETS Advisory Group, and one of the people they put in charge was John Rupp, a senior partner at the Washington, DC-based law firm Covington & Burling. Educated at Harvard and Yale, Rupp was a member of the Committee of Counsel during the 1980s and 1990s and is today a partner of his firm's London office.
Rupp's plan had a number of elements. He helped establish front groups, such as the Center for Indoor Air Research, that disseminated information claiming second-hand smoke was benign. He recruited teams of sympathetic scientists (whom the industry labelled "Whitecoats") across the globe to "keep the controversy alive." Their purpose was to argue that any studies showing ETS to be a health hazard were inconclusive or poorly conducted.
By hiring these consultants, the industry was able "to take names that were untainted in the public eye and get them to do the industry's dirty work for them," explains law professor and university dean Richard Daynard.
Rupp also ran symposiums in order to give ETS critics a veneer of credibility. For example, in 1989 he helped organize an invitation-only symposium at McGill University, a task for which his law firm was paid US $700,000. The gathering was funded by the Tobacco Institute and Philip Morris.
Rupp hand-selected the attending scientists and organized the format to ensure the conference's conclusions were in line with the industry's position on ETS. The conference's co-chair was Donald Ecobichon, a professor and toxicologist at McGill who was one of the ETS consultants recruited by Rupp's program. After the conference, Ecobichon submitted a paper to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) arguing against the regulation of second-hand smoke. The symposium was also designed to neutralize a pending Canadian report that found ETS caused adverse health effects.
The ETS campaign extended into Canada in other ways. In 1987, Rothmans, Benson & Hedges suggested that the Canadian Tobacco Manufacturers Council —the main lobby group for the industry —run ETS seminars and have Rupp do a presentation. Indeed, the Canadian industry soon set up its own taskforce to combat the ETS scare.
1988: This is a Philip Morris International list of compliant academic scientists who can be used for various projects (they might be useful for Congressional hearings and the like). It lists the scientists by country, and their current tasks: CANADA Donald Ecobichon, PhD. Toxicologist — McGill University, Ontario - Attend Perry Conference - June
- Write article re : conference findings for submission to scientific journal - July
He did attend the Perrry/Imperial College Conference, and like about one-third to one-half of the participants there, all his expenses were paid by the tobacco industry [probably on top of a substantial honorarium]
1988 Aug 10: An executive at Philip Morris International [probably Andrew Whist or Bill Murray (or both)] wrote "An Action Plan for ETS in Europe.." which shows that the company recognised that since: "many people spend most of their smoking hours in a workplace environment, widespread workplace restrictions would severely affect the industry.
A second area of importance is in-flight smoking aboard commercial aircraft. In-flight restrictions receive broad publicity and encourage the adoption of other prohibitions elsewhere." In their Action Plan, a series of actions were contemplated to fight back the growing anti-smoking movement. Among these was the blueprint for the McGill Conference held in November 1989, and also the concurrent project of recruiting WhiteCoats in Europe and later Asia: [W]e must continue to identify and encourage scientific consultants within each of the priority markets. By the end of 1989, operating consulting groups should exist within each of the category 1 areas or markets identified above, and within the most important areas or markets in category 2.
Each such group should meet at reasonable intervals, sometimes individually and sometimes in multinational internal conferences, for coordination, motivation and cross-fertilization. [This is the philosophy behind the McGill conference.]
Each such scientist should be appropriately encouraged to prepare papers, participate in scientific societies with relevant areas of interest, and take active roles in scientific conferences. Where possible without compromising a scientist's effectiveness, they should be encouraged to provide statements or testimony for use before government commissions and information to the media.
The industry should encourage and/or indirectly support scientific conferences, such as the recent "Perry conference" [Imperial College conference, June 1988] in London. Such conferences are best conducted with third-party sponsorship, where possible, and PM public affairs and NMAs, assisted by Science & Technology [Division of PM Europe in Laussane], should make continuous efforts to identify and encourage such sponsors. [Explanation: they should coordinate these activities with the various National Manufacturers Associations and use the Science & Technology division of PM based at FTR, Lausanne, Switzerland to identify non-tobacco groups who could be paid to front conferences. ] In addition, we should encourage the publication of suitable papers as widely as possible in appropriate scientific journals and proceedings. C+B [lawyers Covington & Burling], S+T [Science & Technology], and other industry scientific institutions should actively assist those efforts. The goal should be for each consultant to publish at least one such paper annually in such journals and proceedings.
With respect to the ETS consultants, however, this does not mean that they should become, or even remotely appear to be, industry scientists, and coordination should therefore occur through C+B.
[ie. Use the lawyers to keep scientists from being traced back to the tobacco industry]
1989 Aug: /E List of prospective scientists to be invited to the McGill University ETS Conference, together with a heading "PUBLIC EXPRESSION" (which gives a reason why they have proved useful in the past)
1989 Sep 15: The ETS Coordinating Committee [of the Tobacco Institute] is reviewing a number of matters including possible speakers list at the McGill ETS Conference and the new ETS Strategies by the Tobacco Institute. The major part of this agenda item was devoted to the upcoming McGill conference. This conference is set for November 3 and 4 (1989). The planning has been done by [lawyer John] Rupp at the behest of Philip Morris International (the PM-USA representatives at the committee meeting had never heard of it). Rupp had discussed this conference in the past with me, Jim Goold, and Jeff Furr.
It is now seen as having uses beyond the Canadian context, and it's going to be expensive ($500,000-$600,000) so Rupp will probably come to RJR, PM-USA, TI, or all of the above for financial aid.
Don Ecobichon, who has worked for Rupp and the Canadian industry before has received permission to have the conference sponsored by the medical school at McGill. Ecobichon is on the faculty there. The conference will be closed; attendance is by invitation only. There will be no pre-conference publicity, no publicity during the conference, and no post-conference press conference.
They look for 50-70 attendees and have already received commitments from about 20 US scientists, 4-5 Asians, and 4-5 Europeans. Nearly all of the "first team" [Wu, Wexler, Hood, Gross and Hsing] will attend, and in part it will serve as a continued training session for them.
The plan is to have a keynote presentation at each session, followed by a panel discussion of ten or so discussants. Each discussant will comment on what has been intriguing to him or her in the keynote. The point is to come up with what we know in each area, what we don't know, and how we can go about finding out what we don't know.
Rupp is also considering opening up these sessions for comments from the floor. These discussions are to be recorded, transcribed, and edited for inclusion in the proceedings. A monograph will be published (big, fat book) containing the presented papers and the edited discussions. The publication goal is December 1 (1989) .
The publication can then be used in a variety of ways, but there has been no extensive planning on the uses which can be made of the monograph. Among other things, the risk assessment portion may be useful with EPA and the various things going on in California.
The Institute for International Health and Development based in Geneva has expressed interest in publishing the monograph as part of a series of ten monographs planned by that group. The Institute has already published one on AIDS; this would be the second. [This was, of course, a Philip Morris front organisation with its offices in Washington DC and only a letter-drop address in Geneva]
We will have to deal with the criticism that this conference was by invitation only. Rupp's view is that the American Lung Association, Surgeon General, etc. are going to scream when the book comes out, but we'll still have the book. We scream when they come out with stuff, but they still have their books.
Ecobichon has pointed out that if other members of the medical school faculty at McGill want to come, he can't very well keep them out. In fact, it probably won't hurt to have some representation there not invited by the tobacco industry.
1989 Sept 15: ETS Coordination Committee meeting. The conference is set for November 3 and 4. The planning has been done by John Rupp [lawyer at C&B] at the behest of Philip Morris International [Note that the PM-USA (domestic) representatives on the committee meeting had never heard of it.]
The writer of the report notes that: Rupp had discussed this conference in the past with me, Jim Goold, and Jeff Furr [two other industry lawyers]. It is now seen as having uses beyond the Canadian context, and it's going to be expensive ($500,000 — $600,000) so Rupp will probably come to RJR, PM-USA, TI, or all of the above for financial aid. Don Ecobichon, who has worked for Rupp and the Canadian industry before, has received permission to have the conference sponsored by the medical school at McGill. Ecobichon is on the faculty there.
The conference will be closed; attendance is by invitation only. There will be no pre-conference publicity, no publicity during the conference, and no post-conference press conference. They look for 50-70 attendees and have already received commitments from about 20 US scientists, 4-5 Asians, and 4-5 Europeans. Nearly all of the "[Academic] first team" [Wu, Wexler, Hood, Gross, Hsi, Fleiss, Switzer] will attend, and in part it will serve as a continued training session for them.
1989 Sep 27: Asian ETS Project - Status Report by John Rupp and David Billings. The highlights include: On November 3 and 4, 1989, approximately 60 of our consultant scientists from the United States, Canada, Asia and Western Europe will convene for a private symposium devoted to ETS and risk assessment.
The purpose of the symposium is to produce an authoritative monograph that will serve to neutralize two reports that are scheduled to be released near the end of this year: - an ETS risk assessment that is being prepared by the US Environmental Protection Agency
- detailed assessment of ETS health effects that is being prepared in Canada under Professor Spitzer's supervision.
The ETS symposium is being sponsored by the Institute for International Health and Development as part of
continuing series of public health symposia, the first of which was devoted to AIDS. [In fact the IIHD had been put together by Andrew Whist at Philip Morris, with the help of David Morse (ex ILO and tobacco lobbyist) — and this was its first outing for the tobacco industry.]
The McGill symposium will utilize a presentation/panel discussion format. The keynote speaker for each of the major topics will first describe what is known and not known about ETS and various health effects. The speaker then will offer recommendations for research that should be undertaken to address the important gaps in the scientific literature. [The Asian participants would not have known that ALL scientists at this conference were paid lackey/lobbyists of the tobacco industry. In their ignorance, they may have believed some were genuine.]
The panel of discussants will follow with appropriate commentary and amplification of the presentation. We have not asked any of our Asian consultants to act as presenters but instead have requested that some of them participate in selected panel discussions. Benito Reverente, Sarah Liao, Yoon Shin Kim and Lina Somera have agreed to do so.
The symposium presents an ideal opportunity to expose the Asian consultants to the full range of issues and the most advanced current thinking on ETS and should bolster their confidence substantially. As the panel discussions will be transcribed and published alongside the keynote presentations, McGill will mark their first appearance in the scientific literature on ETS.
1989 Sept 28: The finalised agenda of the McGill ETS Conference — which is dated the same day as the formal letters of invitation for both speakers and participants. [DRAFT] Dear . We are pleased to confirm your invitation to participate in a symposium on the key scientific issues relating to environmental tobacco smoke. The symposium will take place on Friday and Saturday, November 3 and 4, 1989, in the Stephen Leacock Building (Room 232) on the campus of McGill University in Montreal, Canada.
The symposium is being held under the joint sponsorship of McGill University and the Institute of International Health and Development of Geneva, Switzerland. The proceedings will be published in book form as the second in a series on world health questions issued by the institute.
Signed by: Joseph M Wu and Donald J Ecobichon. [The first in the published series, was supposedly an IIHD report on AIDS, which earned Paul Dietrich an invitation to become a member of the Harvard University's AIDS advisory board.]
See the final Speaker's Agenda Purpose: The effects of environmental tobacco smoke continue to be a controversial subject within and without the scientific community. Although studies of ETS are increasing in both number and sophistication, many unanswered questions remain about the composition of ETS, average exposure levels, effects on humans and relative risk. Formal typed brochure
1989 Oct 4: Chuck Lister from C&B criticises the "Dunkley video treatments" [one on ETS and another on IAQ]. He suggests that they use the McGill ETS conference as a source of material. [ETS] As to other scientists, is there merit in filming at Montreal on 3-4 November, where 40 or 50 of our people will be opining on this very subject? It is far, but it is also a unique chance to get everyone in one place at one time.
IAQ: I also like this one. Robertson is certainly key, and Holcomb could be good. Sterling is quite possible, although busy and located in Canada. He will probably not be in Montreal for the meeting noted above.
Another possibility is an American with labour connections ( Jim Savarese) whom we used last year in Stockholm. Frank Lunau is local, but might come across badly. I suppose, if Paul Maglione wishes, we could also use someone from HIROSS [A/C equipment manufacturers]. There are other U.K. possibilities for the purely IAQ, non-ETS segments.
1989 Oct 5: Tobacco lawyer John Rupp sends copies of the McGill conference agenda to the Canadian Tobacco Manufacturers Council. All the names are already filled in, even though some haven't been officially invited.
This also has a "Confirmed Participants List"
1989 Oct 16: Frank Farnel [European 'Issues Manager'] reports back to PM International about progress in the Boca Raton Action Plan (being run by Corporate Affairs for Geoffrey Bible) [He uses the standard headings of the Plan]. - On November 3-4 in Montreal under the sponsorship of McGill University a conference is being organized entitled International Symposium on Environmental Tobacco Smoke. About 60 scientists are expected from around the world including 25 from Europe. Participants from EEMA include Drs. Malmfors & Werko (Sweden), Voss (Denmark), Baettig & Atteslander (Switzerland), and Salaoos (Finland).
- In April of 1990 in Lisbon a seminar is being organized by C&B on the subject of Indoor Air in Warm Climates under the sponsorship of the New University of Lisbon, the British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS) and the Asian Occupational Health Society. We are working with C&B to identify those who will be invited to this seminar.
- In June of 1990 in the UK a seminar is planned on the topic of Setting Standards for Indoor Air Quality under the sponsorship of BOHS and CIBCI (architects and building engineers societies). This is designed to be a European conference and one presentation will focus on the results of the Swiss ACVA and LINK studies.
1989 Oct 30: The Boca Raton Action Plan Summary Report
Lists "1989 Nov International Symposium on Environmental Tobacco Smoke, Montreal "(McGill Uni Conference) [Note that they treated this as if it were a genuine conference, even in documents being sent to top-level Corporate Affairs participants. They are being very careful, in case documents leak.]
1989 Nov 3-4: The full proceedings of the McGill ETS Conference, supposedly edited by Donald J Ecobichon and Joseph M Wu were published. [34 pages] The list of supposed sponsors appears on page 3 — but there is no sign of any conference links to some of them before the publication of these proceedings (either culled, or via third partiess).
- Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Mc Gill Uni [ Donald Ecobichon's Department]
- Healthy Buildings International [the then-new name for ACVA, which was the indoor air testing company of Gray Robertson, which worked under contract to the Tobacco Institute discounting the role of second-hand smoke]
- Institut Fresenius, Neufhof, FDR [A contract lab that did work for Philip Morris in Europe. No one from this lab was invited.]
- Institut Universitaire de Technologie de Dijon, University of Burgogne, Dijon, France [The university of Prof. Guy Crepat, long-term tobacco acolyte and ARIA member, also the President of APPA]
- Institute of Environmental and Industrial Medicine, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea. [Run by the Asian WhiteCoat, Prof. Yoon Shin Kim]
- Institute for International Health & Development, Geneva, Switzerland [Actually a Philip Morrs front organisation operated by Paul Dietrich out of the Catholic University in Washington DC]
- National Energy Management Institute, Alexandria, Virginia [A genuine organisation that was operated as a private money-laundry service by a couple of executives, mainly Frank Powell. They did fake indoor air quality testing for the Tobacco Institute.]
- The National Federation of Independent Business, Washington DC. [A life-long coalition partner with the tobacco industry. It represent the grocery and tobacconist businesses who sold cigarettes.] Also the NFIB Foundation.
- RCC Research and Consulting Company AG, Itingen, Swizerland [ Pam Allen, a Reproductive Toxologist, worked for the tobacco industry from this company. It was probably her own organisation]
- School of Pharmacology, Sunderland Polytechnic, UK [Home of Prof Max Weetman, ARIA member and a long-term tobacco scientific lobbyist]
1989 Nov 3-4: List and agenda of speakers at the McGill ETS Conference. They are now virtually finalised. Every speaker is a tobacco toady.
[Note also that Joseph Wu, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the New York Medical College is credited with being 'Co-Chairman' and 'Co-Organizer' alongside Ecobichon ... yet the documents show that Wu was only recruited as a tobacco toady a few weeks before this conference ... his claimed role was as fake as the rest of the conference.
Professor Joseph Wu's name must have been hurridly added to these documents at the last minute — perhaps to free Ecobichon from some of the constraints imposed on the conference by his own university, or perhaps to provide a non-Anglo slant to the conference which now had many Asian WhiteCoats in attendance.]
1989 Nov 2: BAT report on this conference being held, ARIA worldwide
Tobacco Strategy Team UK - [300535759]
1989 Nov 3: -4 McGill Conference ETS conference
This has a list of tobacco scientists. Virtually every one was a consultant , but all were long-established American consultants. [2504064348]
1989 Nov 3: -4 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ETS MCGILL UNIVERSITY 891103 - 891104 [533100062/0069]
1989 Nov 19: PN Lee report to UK Scientific Council on his trip to Canada and the US, for the McGill University conference in Montreal.
1990: Benito R Reverente Jr (Asian WhiteCoat) wrote a "Review of the International Symposium on ETS" for a Philippines audience.
See Page 6
1990: C&B report on McGill and planning for the Lisbon conference
1990 Jan 24: Memo from Philip Morris Asia executive Donald Harris, implores the regional offices to make every use of the findings from the McGill symposium . "We must use the material wisely and effectively to block attempts by governments to establish public policies against smoking based upon ETS," he writes. [See 1999 Mar/E ASH "Conspiracy: Industry Plants Scientist... from The Cigarette Papers."] This also has a detailed expose of Rupp, Koo and Liao, and how the McGill ETS symposium was used by the industry
1990 Apr: - Nicotine conference DONT CONFUSE WITH LISBON CONFERENCE APRIL 1990
1990 Apr 23: Sharon Boyse, Issues Manager at British-American Tobacco, has replied to her Malaysian operative who had noticed that Professor Roger Perry [A tobacco tout and Professor at Imperial College London] has been circulating McGill booklets in Asia which confuses him, since he is in charge of that project.
She explains that this was an incidental part of the Asian WhiteCoat recruitment program. (He probably wasn't in the loop!) The list of officials in the Far East circulated by Covington and Burling [US tobacco lawyers], to whom copies of the McGill book should be sent, were contacts (independent of the tobacco industry) of one of their consultants in the UK, Dr Roger Perry.
Many were, quite simply, former students of his. It was proposed that he could circulate the book to those contacts, since he was involved in the McGill conference, without implicating the tobacco industry in any way.
If, following Covington and Burling's request, additional names were provided by companies who were not contacts of Dr Perry's, it was understood that the companies themselves would decide on the appropriate method of conveying this information. [How to get the books into certain hands without them knowing this was tobacco industry propaganda.]
There is certainly no question of Covington and Burling undertaking any further initiatives in any country without first discussing it with the industry there — this is one of the prinicples on which the programme operates.
1990 Jun 24: - There were several - this is the Nicotine one
Reported in May 1990, so Jun 24 1990
Some 30 European scientists from 7 countries attended. Obtained sponsorship from several institutions in 4 countries.
1990 Sep 18: Sharon Boyse at BAT has faxed her disinformation staff at various Asian and Australian subsidiaries an upgrade on the Asian WhiteCoats program: A consultant has finally been identified in Taiwan: Professor Wen-Chen Victor Liu from The Department of Industrial Engineering and Management at the National Chio Tung University. He is an expert on building ventilation and its impact on indoor air quality.
A second consultant has been recruited in Singapore: Dr Siew Eang Lee, the Director of Laboratories at the School of Architecture, University of Singapore. He oversees testing and research concerning building design, ventilation and other factors that affect indoor air quality.
An orientation session has been scheduled in Manila on October 19 for new consultants from Taiwan, Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia. A further session for the six new Japanese consultants is scheduled for early December in Tokyo. She also mentions under the heading "Consultant Activities": Distribution of the proceedings of the McGill ETS symposium is now complete, along with its translation into Korean and Japanese. She bills each of the subsidiaries $20,000 to support these activites in their area of the world.
1991: Draft "Tobacco Smoke and Indoor Air" illustrates how they used the McGill ETS conference:
In any case, it should be noted that the scientific research on environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) does not support the claim that ETS is a health hazard. Following an extensive review of the published data on ETS, more than 80 scientists at the 1989 McGill Symposium in Montreal urged that more and better research precede any regulatory action on ETS.
1991: Mar/E Possible ghost-bylines
McGill symposium - - Over seventy scientists from throughout the world participated in the McGill symposium. Participants included experts in chemistry, medicine, toxicology, epidemiology, statistics, risk assessment and indoor air quality . The conference organizers concluded that the published data, when critically examined and evaluated, do not support the claim that ETS is a health hazard.
1993 Mar 2: Tom Hockaday of APCO wrote this to Lance Pressl at Philip Morris. He has been putting together a list of scientists and academics who were possible candidates to allow their names to be used on bylined op-ed articles, written by the PR people, or scientists within the company. [There are two versions of this list — the second greatly expanded]. The Second list suggests that any of the participants at the McGill University ETS conference could be considered as potential candidates, without actually informing him that the whole conference was a tobacco operation [need to know]. McGill symposium — Over seventy scientists from throughout the world participated in the McGill symposium. Participants included experts in chemistry, medicine, toxicology, epidemiology, statistics, risk assessment and indoor air quality . The conference organizers concluded that the published data, when critically examined and evaluated, do not support the claim that ETS is a health hazard.
First List
Second List
1994: Host and organisers of 1994 tobacco conference on Nicotine
See [2501193735] [2501193733] [2029200660]
2010 April 19: Maisonneuve Magazine article
Today he is a partner of his firm's [C&B] London office.