This site deals only with the corporate corruption of science, and makes no inference about the motives or activities of individuals involved.
There are many reasons why individuals become embroiled in corporate corruption activities - from political zealotry to over-enthusiastic activism; from gullibility to greed.
Please read the OVERVIEW carefully, and make up your own mind.
RESEARCH HELP: If you wish to help research or write for this project, we are always looking for volunteers.
E-mail the editor (below).
[Temporary: while site is under construction] James C Botticelli
Manager of corporate contributions at PM
1984 Aug 8: On the third-level middle-management list of those in Philip Morris dealing with Smoking & Health issues. This is an update on Voluntary Health Associations expenditures.
One level below Frank Resnik and Bill Murray.
1984 Sep 11: Philip Morris Corporate Affairs World Conference (List of speakers and attendees)
James Botticeti Manager, Corporate Support Programs
Mr Botticelli joined Philip Morris in 1973, as a Public Relations Trainee in Philip Morris International. Since then, he has been an Assistant Vice Director of Public Relations, a Senior Public Relations Representative, and a Communications Supervisor for Philip Morris International.
He was appointed to his present position in September, 1983. Mr Botticelli holds a BA from Bowling Green State University
- PM exec April 92 in Corporate affairs NY [2024670632]
* Botticelli, James C appears to be Geoff Bible's personal sec, and keeper of records letters, etc. [2046042125] `
* Botticelli, Jim (11 February 1997) PM Corporate Affairs staff 1997 [2062398007]
* Botticelli, James (5 September 1985) On Corp Affairs main memo list [2021569642]
1999 Mar 04:
Frank Gomez to Roy Marden and others Incl Botticelli
SGA Issues
This morning a found a hard copy on my desk of an E-mail addressed to me on March 2, asking about the status of progress on efforts to assist SGA on some state issues. Yesterday morning, March 3, on my return from Washington, I sent a note to Dan Smith with copies to you, Roy, Teddi, Molly, Jim, Lattanzio and others, which summarized my March 2 conversations with Dan, inlcuding our plan to have a conference call yesterday afternoon with Jim Lemperes and his lead consultant. In any case, Dan was unavailable, and we plan to call again today.
My note to Dan lists some groups. Since then I have advanced the project somewhat by getting a list of NNPA papers in the area and by arranging for a meeting with Molly at 120 park with Ed Peterson of Project 21. Also, I spoke yesterday with Roberto De Posada of the Hispanic Business Roundtable, and he is prepared to act. Other contacts have been made, of course, but we're awaiting talking points, information, background, calendar from Dan Smith, inasmuch as the only information we have is his note to you which you passed tc us. More later.