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WARNING: This site deals only with the corporate corruption of science, and makes no inference about the motives or activities of individuals involved.
    There are many reasons why individuals become embroiled in corporate corruption activities - from political zealotry to over-enthusiastic activism; from gullibility to greed.
    Please read the OVERVIEW carefully, and make up your own mind.





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Moncho Alpuente    

A famous journalist and columnist in Spain and Portugal who the Pan-American Health Organisation (PAHO) says was a keynote speakers at different Latin American journalists seminars for the tobacco industry.


1991 Jun 10: and 13 He is on the lists of consultant/speakers at the Madrid conference, along with Sharon Boyse (BAT), Tom Borelli (PM), and their regular stable of speakers, Jean Boddewyn, Peter Burger, Paul Dietrich, and Joe Pedelty, plus a few from Latin countries.


1991 June 27: The tobacco industry lobbyists are to run a training session for cigarette company staff while they are in Venezuala, and Alpuente is again on the speaker's list to jolly them up.

1991: He was planning to launch a smokers rights magazine
    led a National ADICTA Assocation "closer to our goals"

Little information available (the issue is directly handled by NY). There are SG [Smoker's Groups] in all big cities but they are not "smokers' rights" oriented. National ADICTA Association, [which is] led by a famous journalist, Moncho Alpuente, is closer to our goals. Alpuente is currently planning to launch a smokers' rights magazine.

    PM Spain's 1991 plans call for the establishment of functional [Smoker's Rights] clubs in five cities in Spain and one in Portugal.

    p13 [2500120966/0992]

1993 Dec 28: A Philip Morris list of possible speakers (probably prepared by Aurora Gonzales) for Chris Proctor of BAT. They are collaborating in a proposed Latin American journalists junket.
    For Freedom of Commercial Speech [Total advertising freedom], she proposes:

Moncho Alpuenta - He adds a humoristie touch to the conference . The journalists always enjoy meeting him because of his column in the Spanish magazines that are widely distributed in Latin America. The draw back in that his airfare is high but his fee is very reasonable

2000 July: The WHO report on Tobacco Company Strategies to Undermine Tobacco Control Activities list him as an important player. [Note 259 pages]