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Brennan M Dawson     [Ms ]

(aka her married name Brennan Moran 1982-87)

— The Tobacco Institute public spokesperson and part of the science manipulation team — she became known as the industry's "femme fatale flack". She change names from Moran to Dawson shortly after joining the TI. —

She first came to the eye of the tobacco industry when she was employed by the US Department of Health and Human Services. She had been the confidential assistant for Public Affairs in the Office of Secretary of Health and Human services.

Clearly whe had more desire for money that for a clear conscience, and so a job at the Tobacco Institute did not impinge upon any personal standard of ethics. She appars to have joined them in 1987.

She joined the Tobacco Institute in the primary role of spokesperson representing the tobacco industry with the broadcast media. She proved to be excellent on-camera talent, and she quickly rose through the ranks. She worked out of Washington using both her married and single names. (Dawson after 1988)

In 1992 she was promoted to Vice President of Public Affairs where her responsibilities extended to Media Relations, Issues Management, Production Services (brochure and booklet printing), and the Information Center (the library). Her base salary was now $130,000 a year, but with health benefits and other payments it was considerably higher.

However, in 1997 she took a job as principle lobbyist with Brown & Williamson, the American arm of British-American Tobacco Company. Her official title with B&W was Vice President of Government Affairs.

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