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Robert A Strauss
A key partner at the legal-lobbyshop of Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld. Robert Strauss, is described as a 'legendary fixer' who once served as chairman of the Democratic National Committee, and was closely associated with campaign funds for Jimmy Carter. He has also worked for the Republicans under Reagan, and George Bush appointed him as Ambassador to Russia. His company worked extensively for the tobacco and other P&P industries. SUMMARY ONLY
• Named partner in Washington legal lobbyshop Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld [Much more at tobacco archive]
1981: he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor.
1986 Sep 3: Conference on Consumption Tax:
Hon. Robert S. Strauss is a partner in the law firm of Akin,
Gump, Strauss, Hauer and Feld. Ambassador Strauss served as the
U.S. special trade representative and personal representative to
the Middle East peace negotiations under President Carter. In
1981: he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the
nation's highest civilian honor. Mr. Strauss is a director of
the Xerox Corporation, Archer-Daniels-Midland Corporation, Lone
Star Industries, MCA, Inc., and Pepsico, Inc. He also serves on
the board
1994 May: Washington Monthly article on Whitewater by Jon Meacham
"Washington's patronizing disdain for Southern clubbiness—and the appearance of possible conflicts in two-career marriages—is laughable coming from pundits like Fineman, whose wife, Amy Nathan, practices with Akin Gump, a well-connected, socially important law firm that has a very permeable wall between lawyering and lobbying. Its leading lights include veteran fixers Vernon Jordan and Robert Strauss, and, until last year, Ruth Harkin, the wife of Senator Tom Harkin."
CBS White House correspondent Rita Braver is married to Robert Barnett, a Washington lawyer who has done personal work for the Clintons. Congressman John Dingell of Michigan watches out for the interests of the Detroit automakers, most recently derailing legislation that would have required more energy-efficient vehicles, and is married to a General Motors executive. Sounds a lot like what the press is calling "incestuous" in Little Rock, doesn't it?
(Note: In a May article, Jon Meacham incorrectly stated that Amy Nathan practices law with Akin Gump. She left that firm several years ago.)
1996 Apr 20: National Journal article
"Take the firm of Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld. It's loaded with Democrats, including Washington power broker Robert S. Strauss, who once was the party's chairman. The firm's PAC sent a bit less than 19 per cent of its money ($43,125) to Republican House candidates during the 1993-94 election cycle [when Democrats controlled the House]. But in 1995, the firm's PAC showered Republican House candidates with 624 per cent ($70,533) of its PAC loot.
1998 Dec 7: The power of 25: Influence merchants
• Strauss, Robert - former head of Democratic Party Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld
• Jordan, Vernon of Bill-and-Monica fame
• Janlowsky, Joel - ed aide on Hill
Dapper advisers Jordan and Strauss are the rainmakers ofAkin Gump . They counsel the wealthy and the powerful and have grown wealthy and powerful themselves. They also have new business, which is handed off to the firm's soldiers — dozens of lawyers and lobbyists.
Fortune's list of top 25 lobbyists in Washington