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[TEMPORARY - Indexes under construction]


Abrams, Adele
Abrams, Burton A [Prof ]
Abrams, Herbert [Dr]
Addison, Rita
Alesse, Mark [in text only]
Alley, Alvin [in text only]
Alli, William
Allingham, Marcie
Alpuente, Moncho
Alston, Lee J [Prof ]
Amacher, Ryan C [Dean Prof ]
Amiel, Barbara [ BA BA ]
Anderson, Gary M
Anderson, Gary W
Anderson, Lee G [Prof]
Anderson, Terrance L ('Terry') [Prof]
Anderson, William [Dr PhD]
Antich, Ernasto
Applegate, William [in text only]
Aragon, Manny [Sen]
Arias, Norma
Armentano, Dominick T ('Dom') [Prof]
Armitage, Alan K [ AKA AA ]
Armstrong, J Gaylord
Arnold, Roger [Prof]
Arnold, Ron
Arnold, Steven F
Arnold, Wolfgang
Atkinson, Scott A [Prof]
Ault, Richard W

ACVA (1981--1986)
ACVA (1987--1989)
AMA [Disambiguation]
A Frank Statement
A Philip Randolph Institute
Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality
Air Conditioning & Ventilation Associates
ALEPH Foundation
Alliance Against Lawsuit Abuse
Alliance for Civil Justice Reform
American Agricultural Movement
American Freedom Coalition
American Management Association
American Paper Institute
APCO & Associates
Asian ETS Consultants Program
Asian WhiteCoats program
Associates for Research into the Science of Enjoyment


Babcock, Michael
Bacca, Baltazar
Baek, Sung-Ok [Dr]
Bagley, Lester [in text only]
Bake, Bjorne
Baker, Eva
Baldino, Daniel D [Sr]
Bannon, Gabriel
Barbour, Haley
Barnhart, Scott
Baysinger, Barry
Beale, Howard
Beauchemin, Edward P (Ed)
Becker, Katherine L
Beder, Edward ('Ed')
Beliveau, Severin M
Bell, Griffin B
Bell, Howard [in text only]
Bell, Joe A [ Prof]
Bell, Stewart
Bellissimo, Steven [in text only]
Benassayag, J [ Mme]
Benson, Bruce L [Prof]
Berger, Bruno [Dr]
Berry, Steve
Bevilacqua, Dorothea
Bicha, Anna Marie [in text only]
Bigbee, Charles
Billick, Irwin
Billing, Peter Harold
Blackwell, Roger D [ OhD]
Blackwell, Roger [in text only]
Blalock, Kirk
Boettke, Peter J
Bogen, Kenneth [in text only]
Bogle, Robert (Bob)
Bohanon, Cecil E [Prof ]
Bonnier, Ingemo
Borcherding, Thomas E [Prof ]
Botticelli, James C
Bowman, John H
Boyes, William J [Prof]
Brady, William (Bill)
Bragdon, Clyde [in text only]
Brasher, David [in text only]
Braun, Theodore W (Ted)
Braun, Theodore W (Ted)
Brazel, John [in text only]
Breeden, Charles Holland [Prof]
Breidbach, Ferdi
Breslow, Lester B [ MD]
Brock, Scott [in text only]
Brough, Wayne [Dr]
Browder, Anne
Brown, J. Carter [in text only]
Brunner, Lawrence [Prof]
Buckley, Mike
Burrage, Jeannette
Butler, Henry N
before 1953 (health issues)
Barbour Griffith & Rogers
Barron's Magazine
Best Type Office Environments
Bio-Research Laboratories
Braun & Company
British American Tobacco
Business Council on Indoor Air
Brotman/Freedman project


Cain, David [Sen]
Calfee, John E ('Jack') [ Dr]
Cameron, Patricia
Carenbauer, George [in text only]
Carnovale, Mary EC
Carpenter, William [in text only]
Carr, Wayne
Carter-Ruck, Peter F
Casella, Len [in text only]
Caufield, John [Sen]
Cavin, Jacques
Cherry, James R (Jim)
Chinn, Dennis L [Dr]
Christian, Ernest S
Clancy, Pat [in text only]
Clark, Jeffrey R [ Prof]
Clements, Earle C
Clough, David [in text only]
Coats, R Morris [Prof]
Cohen, Edward S
Cohen, Lloyd R
Colby, Frank G [ Dr PhD]
Colvin, Bobby [in text only]
Connolly, Gregory N
Contant, Jaques
Cosentino, Anthony M
Coughlin, Mary
Crammer, Paul
Crandall, Candace C
Crew, Michael [Prof ]
Curren, Wendy [in text only]
Cushman, Charles (Chuck)
cash-for-comment economists
cash-for-comments witness list
COURSE Consortium
Californians Against Regulatory Excess
cash-for-comment economists
Castano Case
Center for Behavioral Analysis of Policy Issues
Center for Law and Social Policy
Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise
Chase Econometrics
Circulation Experti
Citizens for Reagan
Citizens for Tax Justice
Citizens for the Republic
Clayton Environmental Consultants
Clean Air Associates
Coalition for Affordable Sports and Entertainment
Coalition of Labor Union Women
Coalition to Eliminate Abusive Securities Suits
Code Consultants Inc.
Cole Hargrave Snodgrass & Associates
Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget
Committee on Taxation and Economic Growth
Conservative Action Group
Consolidated Services Inc
Consultox Ltd
Consumer Product Safety Commission
Contract Research Center
Corporate Congressional Action Committee
Council for World Freedom (US)


D'Zurilla, June S
Dalton, Allan [Prof ]
Dalton, D Allen [Prof ]
Davis, Michael (Mike) [Prof]
Davis, Susan
Davison, Bernadette M
Dawson, Brennan M [Ms ]
Dawson, Leslie
Day, Tony
DeLoach, Thomas O [in text only]
Dembach, Wilfried
Dempsey, Venon ('Vern')
Denzau, Arthur T [Prof ]
DeRoche, Paul [in text only]
DeToy, Stephen [in text only]
Dietrich, Paul George (USA)
Dietrich, Paul George Pt 2
DiMartino, Rita
DiMonda, Ed [in text only]
Dobitz, Clifford P (Cliff) [Prof ]
Dolara, Pietro [Prof MD]
Dole, Robert J (Bob)
Doll, Bill [in text only]
Donahue, Tom [Jr]
Donaldson, Eric
Donner, Ray
Donovan, Carol [Rep]
Douglas, Joshua F (Josh) [Dr]
Dow, Steven B
Downey, Thomas (Tom)
Draper, Meg [in text only]
Dryer, Dan [in text only]
Dubow, Joel
Dudley, O Witcher
Duffy, Dennis
Dunlop, George S
Dunsmuir, William TM [ Prof]
Durenberger, David (Dave)
Death in the West
Defense of Advertising Committee
Development & Reproductive Toxicology Committee
DuPont Chemical


Eagle, Steven
Eccleston, John A [ Prof]
Edelman, Gerald M [Dr]
Eide, Matt [in text only]
Einzinger, Norman D [in text only]
Ekelund, Robert B [ Jr Prof]
Ellis, Marty [in text only]
Engler, Sam
Erickson, William A
Estepp, Jim [in text only]
Esterle, J Gilbert (Gil) [Dr]
Esterson, Gerald L
Ethridge, Robert
Eule, Joseph J
economists and other networks
economists network
economists networks (over-view)
economists networks
East Mediterranean Indoor Enviornment Society
East Mediterranean Indoor Environment Society
ENV Services Inc
Environics In.
Environics Inc.
Environmental Health & Safety Council
Environmental Health Foundation
EPA's actions on ETS risk assessment
European Community Advisory Group
European Institute of Individual and Community Welfare


Fadem, Barry
Faith, Roger L [Prof ]
Feigenbaum, Susan
Feingold, William
Fickes, Edward (Ed)
Fields, Michael [in text only]
Fihir, Izhar M
Filipone, Alfredo
Finkelstein, Arthur
Fioramonti, Frank R
Fischella, John A
Fowler, Mark
Fox, John C
France, Bill [in text only]
Frankenheuser, Marianne [Dr]
Freeman, Geoffrey
Freeman, Jeanine [in text only]
Frei, Xavier [Dr]
Friedheim, Jerry [in text only]
Fry, Clifford
Fuller, Ronald N
Funk, Richard [in text only]
Furr, Jeffrey L
fore-knowledge research
Frank Statement
Freedom of Expression Foundation


Gallaway, Lowell E
Galles, Gary M
Gallus, Chris [in text only]
Gardner, Donald E (Don) [PhD]
Garnett, Helen M [ Dr]
Gaspari, K Celeste [Prof ]
Gattusco, James
Gaw, Steve [ Rep]
Gay, David ER [Prof ]
Geiger, Roger [in text only]
Gerszten, Philip [MD]
Gibbons, Jean Dickinson [ PhD]
Gjerde, Debbie [in text only]
Goldberg, Arthur Joseph
Golden, Kathryn R
Goldhaber, Gerald H
Golojuch, S Thomas
Goold, James A (Jim)
Gore, Peter [in text only]
Gottlieb, Alan Merril
Gradison, Willis (Bill)
Granito, Chick [in text only]
Gray, Brett W
Green, James
Greene, Kenneth V [Prof ]
Greene, Olin [in text only]
Groeber, Ronald X
Get Government Off Our Backs
Glass-Steagall Act
Great American Smokers' Club


Hager, John H
Hahn, Paul M
Haimes, Judith Richardson
Haley, Martin Ryan
Hall, Heath [in text only]
Halperin, Morton [in text only]
Hanna, Mark
Hanna, Sherman [Prof ]
Harfst, David L
Hargrove, James
Harper-Fender, Anne [Prof ]
Harrow, Ellen A
Hays, Frank
Hein, Dennis D [Prof]
Heins, James
Helm, Dewitt [in text only]
Henley, Ed
Herrie, Bill [in text only]
Hickey, Mike [in text only]
Hickey, Richard J (Dick) [ PhD]
Hicks, Chris
Hilado, Carlos J
Hoaglin, Le Mar
Hochman, Harold M [Prof ]
Hockaday, Thomas
Hodin, Michael W
Hoffer, George Emil [Prof ]
Holloway, Thomas [in text only]
Holmes, Ace
Horowitz, John
Horst, Michael D (Mike)
Hough, Melissa
Houghton, Kenneth S
Howard, Sam
Howden, Robert [in text only]
Humber, W Thomas (Tom)
Hunter, William J [Prof ]
Huxley, Stephen
HES (Holcomb)
HEW (Carlo)
Healthy Buildings International
Heidelberg Appeal
Henry Clay Society


Ikard, Frank
IARC Task Force
IRI (Republican)
IRI (Research)
Institut fur Biologische Forschung
Institut fur Biologische Forshung
Institute (The PM)
Institute for International Health & Development
Institute for Molecular Sciences
Institute for Policy Innovation
Institute for Public Interest Representation
Institute for Public Representation
Interagency Advertising Council
International Advertising Association
International Republican Institute
International Risk Governance Council
International Society of the Built Environment
International Tobacco Growers' Association


Jackson, Dave
Jackson, John D
Jackson, W Garrison Jr
Jackson, Warren G Snr
Jadlow, Joseph M [Prof ]
Jagt, Guy Vander
James, Phyllis
Javeau, Claude [ Prof]
Jenkins, Roger A (ORNL) [ Dr]
Johnson, Carl P

Johnson, Robert
Jones, Brad [in text only]
Jones, Earl [ Jr]
Jones, Murray
Justice, Dawn [in text only]
Johnson & Johnson


Kassman, Alan [ Dr]
Katz, Joseph W
Kaufman, Ronald (Ron)
Keene, Steve [in text only]
Keim, Robert [in text only]
Kelly, John D (Jack)
Kelly, Kevin [in text only]
Kelly, Rusty
Kelsey, Lyle [in text only]
Kessler, Ronald W
Kilgallon, Joe
Kimenyi, Samson M
King, Alex
King, Trevor CH
Klain, Ron
Klingaman, David
Klotz, Robert (Bob)
Knox, George L (III)
Kohnhorst, Earl E
Kotchenderfer, Karil
Kovoloff, Robert
Kozlowski, Lynn T [ Prof]
Kramer, Victor Horsley
Kristein, Marvin
Kummerfeld, Donald [in text only]
Kupper, Lawrence L [ MD]
Kupris, Jerry
Kurland, Philip [in text only]
Kurth, Michael [Prof ]


Laband, David [Prof ]
Lanau, Frank
Lange, T Mark
Lansing, Paul
LaRiviere, Jacques R
Larson, Reed
Lasagna, Robert
Lauderback, J William
Lauer, William [in text only]
Lawler, T Newman
Lawrence, Paul
Leader, Robert W
Lee, Dwight R [ Prof]
Lee, Si Duk
Lee, Siew Eang
Lenges, J [Prof]
Lenmark, Jacqueline [in text only]
Leonard, Frank M
Levin, Hal
Lewis, Gibb
Liable, Myron [in text only]
Lichman, Aaron
Liebeck, Stella
Lieberman, RJ. [in text only]
Lindsay, Cotton Mather [Prof]
Liorente, Jose Miguel
Littlechild, Stephen C
Liu, Wen-Chen Victor [Prof]
Lo Jacono, Giuseppe
Logue, Dennis E [Prof]
Loper, Dennis
Lowe, Geoff [ Dr]
Lucht, Dave [in text only]
Lyden, Donald P
Labor Council for Latin American Advancement


Mahon, William F [in text only]
Mannino, Edward (Ed)
Marshall, EG
Martiesian, Terry [in text only]
Martin, Clarke W
Martin, Delores T [Prof ]
Charles ('Chuck'),Masen, Charles ('Chuck')
Mason, Charles F ('Chuck') [Prof]
Matthews, Charles L [in text only]
Matthews, Len
Maurice, S Charles [Prof]
McChesney, Fred
McClintock, Kenneth [Sen]
McClure, James E [Prof]
McClure, Kenneth [in text only]
McCormack, David M
McCormack, Ed [in text only]
McCoy, William D
McEachern, William
McGuire, John [in text only]
McInturff, William (Bill)
McKeague, Nancy [in text only]
McKenzie, David K [ Prof]
McLean, David C
McMahon, Robert C [Prof ]
McMillan, John B [in text only]
McMullen, Jim [in text only]
McQueen, Josh [in text only]
Mead, Arthur C [Prof ]
Mehan, Daniel [in text only]
Mellis, Craig M
Menchik, Paul L [Prof ]
Mendiola Codina, Luis Carlos
Metz, Steve [in text only]
Mgalione, Tim [in text only]
Mieszala, Pat [in text only]
Miller, Alden A [MD]
Mills, Ian
Minshew, George R
Mirel, Larry [in text only]
Mitchell, William C
Mizerski, Richard W
Mondale, Eleanor
Monihan, Jim [in text only]
Moore, Jesse [in text only]
Moran, Brennan [Ms ]
Morey, Philip R [ PhD]
Morgan, James J (Jim)
Morgan, Lance
Moschis, George P. [in text only]
Moyston, Jerome J
Mozingo, Roger L
Munzo, Mario
Murnane, Ed [in text only]
Murphy, Joseph F
Muzi-Falconi, Toni
Madison Inst. for Policy Research & Development
Maine Alliance
Martin Haley Ryan
Martin Ryan Haley
McGinnis Lockridge & Kilgore
Merril Associates
Mountain States Legal Foundation
Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial
Manning Study


Nelson, Suzanne [in text only]
Neren, Sandra [in text only]
Newberne, Paul M [PhD]
Newman, Frederic S (Fred) [FSN ]
Newman, Lloyd N (Larry)
Newman, Marvin
Newton, Jon
Nichols, Jack M
Niden, Albert H [ Dr]
National Ambient Air Quality Standards
National Association of State Boards of Eduction
National Center for Intitiative Review
National Center for Policy Alternatives
National Chamber Foundation
National Endowment for Democracy
National Energy Management Institute
National Inholders Association
National Institute for Conflict Education
National Legal and Policy Center
National Legal Center for the Public Interest
National Medical Expenditure Survey
National Newspaper Publishers Association
National Toxics Campaign
New Popularist Forum
Newman Partners Ltd
NorthWest Legal Foundation


O'Brien, William (Bill)
O'Guinn, Thomas C
O'Quinn, John
O'Toole, John E
O'Toole, John [in text only]
Obledo, Mario
Oechler, Henry J [Jr ]
Ogle, Clive W [ Dr]
Okun, Ronald [ Dr]
Osborne, Lisa
Osteen, William L Sn


Packwood, Robert William ('Bob') [ Senator]
Papastamatiou, Hera Tsimara
Papke, James A
Parent, Richard A [Dr ]
Parkman, Allan [Prof ]
Pauly, Mark
Peat, Jennifer K
Peck, Robert S ('Bob')
Peckham, Charlie
Perry, Steve
Peter Gore
Peterson, Jerrold M [Prof]
Petitti, Diana B [MD]
Petty, Richard [in text only]
Pierce, Barry [MD]
Plassmeyer, Norbert [in text only]
Platt, Harlan
Pogue, Thomas F [Prof ]
Polan, Kraege
Pollack, Seymour V
Pollakoff, Edward E [in text only]
Popeo, Dan [in text only]
Poulson, Barry W [Prof ]
Powell, Jody L
Powers, Pike
Powers, Ray [Sen]
Pratt, Michael D
Prendergast, William [Dr]
Pressler, Larry Lee [ Rep & Senator]
Price, Michael A (Mike)
Primarvera, William (Bill)
Prusiner, Stanley [MD]
Puck, Theodore [MD]
paracelsus defence
Pacific Legal Foundation
Packwood Tax Plan
Patricia Bario Associates
Patrick Henry Center for Individual Liberty (The)
Patriot Caucus
Philanthropic Advisory Service
Philip Morris Institute for Molecular Sciences
Phillip Morris Institute for Molecular Sciences
Plaza Hotel meetings
PM Corporate Affairs Staff.
PM Institute for Molecular Sciences
Pollack Associates
Project Cure (Alt Medicine)
Prop 65 California
Public Choice Society
Puerto Rico USA Foundation


Quinn, John M (Jack)
Quinn, Thomas


Raab, Raymond Leonard [Prof PhD]
Rabin, Steve
Radstone, Graham M
Rasmussen, Gladys
Ratliff, Shannon
Redhead, C Stephen
Redish, Martin [in text only]
Rees, D Cooper
Reese, David A
Regan, Karen A
Reid, William Walter (Bill) [ Dr]
Renner, Dave [in text only]
Reynolds, Morgan [ Prof]
Reynolds, Patrick (anti)
Richard, Hector
Richards, Ann
Richards, Jody
Ridenour, Mike [in text only]
Rider, George [in text only]
Ridge, Susan
Riefler, Roger [Prof]
Rippey, Ed
Ripslinger, James
Rizzo, Mario J [Prof]
Robbins, Lewis C
Roberts, Art [in text only]
Roberts, Jack
Roberts, Steve [in text only]
Robertson, Dave [in text only]
Rodin, Ervin Y
Roepke, Sylvia
Rogers, Martha
Rosenblatt, Roger
Rosner, Robert (Bob)
Ross, Kim [in text only]
Ross, Shalla
Roth, H Daniel [Dr]
Rottenberg, Simon
Rubin, Gail
Rucker, Randy [Prof ]
Ruhnka, John C
Rylander, Ragnar (Affaire)
Rylander, Ragnar C [MD]
retrospective studies
retrospective/prospective studies
REDAB Properties
Resources for Responsible Management
Richadson Ziebart Consulting
RJR and the Bowman Gray family


Saba, Richard
Salomon, Michel
Sandefur, Thomas Edwin [Jr ]
Sanders, Russell [in text only]
Sandler, Todd [Prof ]
Saurman, David
Savage, Melissa Hough
Savarese, James M (Jim)
Scannell, Raymond (Ray)
Schaefer, Jay [in text only]
Schaenman, Philip S
Schaffer, David [in text only]
Schlagenhauf, Jeffrey
Schlossberg, Steve
Schooling, Robert
Sellers, Amy
Sellers, Thomas N
Sexton, Robert L
Shahun, Leon [Jr]
Shalofsky, Ivor H
Shaunghnessy, Richard [ Dr]
Shebel, Jon [in text only]
Sherwood, Edwin J. [in text only]
Shore, E? (Gene) [ Dr PhD]
Shughart, William F [II ]
Singer, Ira
Singer, S Fred
Singlaub, John K
Sisson, George A
Sloane, Harvey J [Dr MD]
Slovin, Gary [in text only]
Smith, Bill G [in text only]
Smith, Brent [Prof]
Smith, Craig R [Prof PhD]
Smith, Craig R [Radio host]
Smith, Craig T
Smith, Craig [in text only]
Smoot, Brad [in text only]
So, SY [ Dr]
Solmon, Lewis C (Lew)
Solon, Faustin J [Jr]
Sorrells, John H [Jr ]
Souchon, Eduardo [ Dr]
Starke, Bob [ Rep]
Staunton, Donna (AMP & CSIRO)
Staunton, Donna Marie
Stewart, John [in text only]
Stimson, Thomas
Stohrer, Gerhard
Stokes, Henry
Stone, Nancy
Stone, Robert
Strauss, Robert A
Street, Debra J
Strock, James M (Jim)
Stroup, Richard L [Prof Dr]
Suffredin, Lawrence J (Larry)
Sullivan, John [in text only]
Sundstrom, Frank Leander (Sunny)
Sweetser, Wendell E [Prof ]
Swift, Alan K. [in text only]
smoking-gun documents
speakers payments
Sawyer Miller Consulting
Science & Environmental Policy Project
Sciences International, Inc.
Scientific Research Institute
Scientific Witness Teams
Second Amendment Foundation
Shannon Ratliffe
Smoking Policy Institute
Social & Community Planning Research
Social Cost Economic Group
Sociedad Interamerieana per Ia Libre Expresion Comercial
Society of Prospective Medicine
Swiss Building study


Tamagni, Al [in text only]
Tarr-Whelan, Linda Jane Zack
Tatum, Bette [in text only]
Thompson, David [in text only]
Timpson, Sandra
Tollison, Anna
Tollison, Robert D (Bob) [Prof PhD]
Tsimara-Papastamatiou, Hera
Tucker, Skip [in text only]
Tuerck, David G
Turner, Simon
tort reform
truth squads
Texans for Lawsuit Reform
Thatcher Foundation (Margaret)


United States Chamber of Commerce
US Chamber of Commerce
United Restaurant Hotel Tavern Association
USA Foundation
USA magasine/newsletter


Vagley, Robert E
Van Den Haag, Ernest
Van Duuren, Benjamin [Dr]
Vanender, Cheryl
Vanevender, Cheryl
Vaughn, Dennis A
Vedder, Richard K [Prof ]
Vermuellen, Bruce [Prof]
Vinson, Larry [in text only]
Vogel, Al


Wagner, Richard E (Dick) [ Prof]
Walker, Olena
Ward, Diane [in text only]
Ward, Scott [ Prof PhD]
Warren, Lincoln [in text only]
Warren, Marty
Watson, J Keith [Prof ]
Watson, John Keith ('Keith') [Prof ]
Watterton, D Stuart
Wayne, Ralph [in text only]
Wayne, Ralph
Webster, Cliff [in text only]
Weis, William L
Weisberger, John H
Weisbrod, Burton A [ Prof]
Weiss, Seymour
Weldon, Curt [in text only]
Wells, J Kendrick (III) [III ]
Wells, Jeff [Sen]
Wentworth, Jeff [Sen]
West, Kirk [in text only]
Wexler, Scott
Whist, Andrew J (Part 1)
White, F Clifton
Whitley, Charles O ('Charlie')
Whitman, Douglas
Wiley, Richard [in text only]
Wilkerson, Steve [in text only]
Williams, Charlie
Williams, Walter E
Wilson, Patricia M (Pat)
Wimberley, Bob [in text only]
Win, Paul P. [in text only]
Wiseman, Jack
Witonski, Peter Paul
Witwer, Danielle [in text only]
Woggon, Linda [in text only]
Wojdak, Steve
Wood, Joe G
Woolcock, Anne J [ Prof]
Wu, Joseph M [ PhD]
Wyrick, Thomas L [ Prof PhD]

Western Goals Foundation
Wharton Conferences
WhiteCoats (Asian)
Women's Campaign Research Fund
Worker's Rights Task Force
World Journalism Association



Yandle, Bruce [ Prof Jr.]
Yates, Sharon
Yoon, Boon [Prof]
Yosewine, Joni
Young, Elliot C. [in text only]
Youngblood, Ed [in text only]


Zelkowitz, David O
Zerbe, Richard D [Jr]
Zins, Brian [in text only]
Zion, Sidney
