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W Thomas (Tom) Humber

(Humber, William Thomas)

Tom Humber was a key public disinformation operative for Brown & Williamson who later transfered to work in Europe for a year with Philip Morris, then later still went to work for PR firm Burson-Marsteller on tobacco issues. He was at the forefront of many of the industry scams: tort reform, Whitecoat recruitment, Smokers Rights groups; TASSC and EuroTASSC etc.


He worked for Brown & Williamson Tobacco as public relation for a decade before 1989. And in 1984 he was the chairman of Tobacco Institute's Communications and Public Affairs Committee.

The Tobacco Industry's top PR man, Kloepfer said at TI Annual Meeting in 1984

"We owe much credit to Tom Humber and his Communications Committee. They have been patient, generous with their time and expertise, and supportive throughout. We look forward to their continuing counsel in 1985."

Towards the end of the 1980s he was the Area Director for Asia, working out of the B&W headquarters in Louisville, Kentucky.

In 1989 he joined PM Europe (based in Switzerland) and served the company for a year before joining Burson in mid-1990. He was given the title of Senior Vice President (based in Washington), and placed in charge of the Phillip Morris account.

He was a key member of the team which created the National Smoker's Alliance (supposedly run by the smokers themselves). It was set up by Burson-Marsteller's grassroots unit, and Humber organized a membership drive which recruited and paid young people to sign up new members in places where smokers congregate (eg. bars, bowling alleys, night clubs, etc.). Humber was named NSA President soon after it was established (theoreticaly ceasing to work for Burson Marsteller).