Gordon O Shuford
— A once-only cash-for-comments economist working with Richard Higgins for the Tobacco Institute. — Gordon O Shuford was a minor cog in an extensive wheel of conspiracy organised by lobbyist James Savarese and Professor Robert Tollison of George Mason University (GMU) on behalf of the tobacco industry. He only appears to have done one study for the Tobacco Institute. This network of compliant economists operated by using the facilities and staff of GMU's Center for the Study of Policy Choice [supposedly an independent study center within the university]. It extensively utilized the Center's membership list of extreme-libertarian professors of economics — most of whom were members of the 'Austro-Libertarian/Randian' tradition; belong to the Public Choice Society; and had tenured positions at various State universities. These ultra-free-market professors were contracted on a pay-for-service basis to react to requests circulated by the tobacco industry for help in defeating either excise tax measures or smoking ordinances.
Some key documents • Possibly with the South Carolina Department of Revenue. His wife appears to be Susan.
1989 May: Richard S Higgins and Gordon O Shuford. "Smokers' Subsidy of Nonsmokers' Retirement Benefits," Capital Economics, 1730 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006,
This was commissioned by the Tobacco Institute.
1996 Oct 25: Gordon Shuford with the South Carolina Department of Revenue has requested a We Card kit. This request came as a result of a call to Shuford from South Carolina Governor David Beasley, who apparently is concerned that the state is not moving fast enough on the youth access issue. He asked Gordon Shuford to contact the Tobacco Institute and ask them what was happening that might be helpful. Sissy Presnell explained the We Card effort, Shuford was very interested and is getting a kit.
2010 Feb 19: State Individual Income Tax Comparison for Tax year 2009 by Gordon O. Shuford ,. Economist, Board of Economic Advisors. South Carolina