CREATED 7/24/2011
This site deals only with the corporate corruption of science, and makes no inference about the motives or activities of individuals involved.
There are many reasons why individuals become embroiled in corporate corruption activities - from political zealotry to over-enthusiastic activism; from gullibility to greed.
Please read the OVERVIEW carefully, and make up your own mind.
William ('Bill') Prendergast
[ Dr]
— A Tobacco Institute consultant on legislative matters and on influencing Congress. — A taxation lobbyist and 'project leader' for the Tobacco Institute.
There is also a William Prendergast who runs Trans-World Manufacturing Corp. which does business with Philip Morris.
Some key documents 1982 Feb 15: First dated entry: He is on the Staff A/c No EO3360 and is being paid $3,190.42 ($2,197.00 + 273.42) for "Employee Temporary Travel Advance" and two other sums (One Travel - General)
1982 June 16: Prendergast is being ccd on Tobacco Institute memos about Federal Excise Tax. His name is linked here to a group of Congressional Lobbyists (Cook & Henderson, DeMita and Bergson)
1984 Dec 13: Tobacco Institute Annual meeting following the Reagan landslide vitory. Dr William Prendergast will proceed as our tax project leader and will have all resources of The Institute at his command.
Awaiting the completion of the organization of the 99th Congress, our tax project plan is partially implemented. The new Majority Leader is Bob Dole and Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee is Bob Packwood. Chairman of Senate Commerce Committee is expected to be John Danforth.
If Senator Strom Thurmond of South Carolina exercises his prerogative to become Chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee it would prevent Senator Goldwater from chairing that Committee, thus giving Goldwater the opportunity to chair Senate Commerce.
1985 Jan 3: Prendergast and Congressional lobbyist David Henderson are getting copies [sent by Fred Panzer] of Rep. Ed Beilenson's "Dear Colleague" letter on HR 951, Beilenson is obviously an anti-smoker who is in favour of higher cigarette excise taxes.
1985 May 29: Fred Panzer to Peter Sparber (both at the Tobacco Institute) re: Wendell Ford Article. As you recall, we had analysed Congressional newsletters and constituent releases with a view of servicing them with excise tax copy. I believe this idea originated with Bill Kloepfer [TI Public Relations head].
Ruth Mattingly, Sen. Ford's press aide, had expressed interest in seeing what we could develop for his "Report to Kentucky," a series of columns that are mailed to newspapers in the state.
O&M [Ogilvy & Mather PR] has just completed the attached draft column for her approval. Much of this draft is based on statements and statistics used by Sen. Ford in floor debate on the Bradley amendment to S. Con. Res. 32, the First Budget Resolution for FY 1986.
I think it's on the money. Ed Battison reviewed it, and I would like you to take a look before going forward.
'Bob' has added a congratulatory note, suggesting that Bill Prendegast participate in the entire process — starting with the decision of whom to target. See Page 24
What is the most egregiously hypocritical about this document is that the sample of the O&M/Wendell Ford column "Report to Kentucky" is headed "Defense contractor's P.R. must end." It focusses on his Bill to curb the waste of taxpayer funds which have been expended on public relations — while being written by a public relations company working for some tobacco organization which used these supply of such services to bribe the senator.
1986 Aug: /E Tobacco Institute's Budget 1986 He is listed as an in-house taxation/legislation consultant along with David N Henderson.
- Gray & Company, government relations consultant
— $10,000 (budgeted). $ 5,000 (total estimated)
- William Prendergast, in-house consultant
— $10,000 (budgeted), $32.000 (total estimated)
- David N. Henderson, in-house consultant
— $50.000 (budgeted), $80,000 (total estimated)
- Allowance-for consultant fees for assistance in fighting anti-tobacco legislation which may be introduced in Congress
— $50,000 See page 31
1988 June 16: Tobacco Institute's speech by Jeff Ross on the activities of the TI in the area of "Social Cost". [He works under Susan Stuntz] We plan to communicate to the general public the absurdity of the social cost argument. We've recruited an old friend of the Institute, William Prendergast, to prepare a humourous piece on the social cost of traffic jams, airline delays, noise and dog bites.
We will promote the piece in the business press and as op-eds in targeted publications.
We're preparing a video capturing the tone of the Predergast piece for use in briefings and coalition meetings.
The Social Cost argument has increasingly become a thorn in our side. We're confident this program will effectively counter our opponents on this issue.
1988 Oct: Report on primary activites of the Tobacco Institute lists under the heading "Social Costs" [Debbie Schoonmaker and Carol Hrycaj]
After an unexpected delay, the second draft of the Prendergast monograph was reviewed and sent on for clearance. We will hear from the attorneys early next month. .
1990 Apr: Tobacco Institute report on "Social Costs" program:
We received legal counsel's comments on William Prendergast's social cost paper, "Smoking, Social Cost and Common Sense." The paper has been forwarded to senior staff for a final determination on questions raised, and for approval to distribute.