Quinn, John M (Jack)

1969-73: Served on staff of US Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs

1971: Graduate of Georgetown University College of Arts and Sciences

1973: On the staff of Democratic National Committee

1974-75: On staff of Senator Floyd Haskell (D-CO)

1975: graduated from Georgetown University Law Center.

1975-76: Campaign Director of the 'Udall for President' campaign

1976 (c): joined Arnold & Porter's Washington law firm

1989-92: (part time) Adjunct Profesor of Law at Georgtown University Law Center - taught a seminar on constititonal law for three years.

1989: Working with the tobacco industry ad-hoc working group on Tort Reform.

1991 May 14: PM internal memo: "In an effort to streamline our use of outside counsel to advise on lobbying, ethics, campaign finance, and similar issues, Arnold & Porter has been designated to serve as national counsel in these areas on both the state and federal levels. Jack Quinn, an Arnold & Porter partner, will be our primary contact. http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/uvg77a00/pdf

1991: Working part-time for Democratic presidential campaign. Also retained by Philip Morris through Arnold & Porter. He was now a partner in A&P. Working with Philip Morris on tort-reform, ingreients, comliance with regulations, etc.

1991 Nov: Democrats win the Presidential election Bill Clinton is President-elect. Al Gore is Vice President

1992: Working on various Philip Morris projects

1993 Jan: Becomes Deputy Chief-of-staff and Counselor to VP Al Gore

1993 June: Became Chief-of-Staff and Counselor to VP Al Gore

1995 Nov: Transferred to the White House as Counsel to the President (Clinton)

1997 Feb: Left the White House "to make some money"

1997-2000: returned to work with Arnold & Porter.

1999: Spring; Hired as an attorney (along with some Republican lawyers) to represent Marc Rich. His job was to keep Deputy Attorney-General Eric Holder on-side for the pardon.

2001 Jan: Provided Clinton with the notorious pardon list which included Marc Rich (major scandal). Left Clinton holding the bag.

2000: Established Quinn Gillespie & Associates (QGA) with Republican strategist Ed Gillespie offering to " integrate lobbying and communications services [as] high-level strategy consultants,]

2001 Feb 8: He was the Attorney representing Marc Rich at House Government Reform Committee hearings into Clinton's pardons.

2002: House (Dan Burton's) Committee report described Quinn as a ''willing participant in the plan to keep the Justice Department from knowing about and opposing'' a pardon for Marc Rich.

2003-04: His partner Ed Gillespie became the chairman of Republican National Committee. And QGA moved into the top 10 of DC lobbying firms by revenues.

2004: QGA was sold to WPP, one of the world's largest communications services groups.

2005 Aug:: PR Week reported that QGA "is working with the White House on building a coalition among business leaders and lawmakers to advance an immigration reform package. The group, Americans for Border and Economic Security, is led by former US Reps. Cal Dooley (D-CA) and Dick Armey (R-TX) as well as Robert de Posada, president of The Latino Coalition."

2007: Listed with Ed Gillespie on the lobby team of Rupert Murdoch's News Ltd.