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CREATED 10/31/2010

WARNING: This site deals only with the corporate corruption of science, and makes no inference about the motives or activities of individuals involved.
    There are many reasons why individuals become embroiled in corporate corruption activities - from political zealotry to over-enthusiastic activism; from gullibility to greed.
    Please read the OVERVIEW carefully, and make up your own mind.






Michael W Hodin    

— A Pfizer lobbyist and corporate network functionary, who works both in the USA and in Europe through networks of think-tanks. —  

Some key documents

Pfizer's chief international lobbyist.

1998 Oct 29: He is from Pfizer Inc A member of the Annapolis Center Strategic Planning Committee

2003 Feb: The support for The Stockholm Network from large corporations goes beyond funding. For example US pharmaceutical giant Pfizer has played a major part in Europe, getting this kind of political advocacy off the ground. Michael W. Hodin, the company's Vice President Corporate Affairs Europe, played an active role in creating both the Stockholm Network and the Centre for the New Europe.

    At a February 2003 Stockholm Network seminar on "How to grow a think tank", Catherine Windels, Director of Policy Communications at Pfizer, spoke on the theme "What do business sponsors look for from think tanks?" Windels is also a board member of the Centre for a New Europe.

1994 /E: Listed as a supporter of the American Spectator magazine when it came under fire for its extreme right-wing pro-Republican, 'Arkansas Project' stance.

1998 Oct 29: Meeting at the Annapolis Center of the Strategic Planning Committee.
    Hodin was the Committee Co-Chair, but he attended by telephone. It was discussing a poll on risks to children.

2010: Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. The web site gives his affiliations as:

  • Corporate Public Affairs Division and International Public Affairs, Pfizer, Inc.;
  • Foreign and Trade Policy, Office of Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan;
  • Visiting Scholar, The Brookings Institution;
  • Coro Fellowship.
  • Adjunct professor, Columbia University and Georgetown University.

2010: High Lantern Group PUFF PIECE They are corporate reputation promoters and event organisers. They have five Managing Directors and one Managing Partner!
Michael Hodin, Managing Director
mhodin@highlanterngroup.com 212-332-3339

Michael Hodin has more than 30 years of experience in international public affairs and policy, primarily with Pfizer where he was a senior executive and created and built Pfizer's international public affairs capacity in over 120 country organizations. He led the transformation of public affairs in Pfizer and the pharmaceutical industry from one focused on crisis and issues management to a core business competency and pioneered moving those skills and capabilities into the development process of medicines.

    His innovative approaches to public policy have driven strategic advances in intellectual property and trade, health reform solutions, management of public health crises, and embedding stakeholder interests into basic operating systems. Prior to Pfizer, Mike served for Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan on foreign and trade policy and was a visiting scholar at the Brookings Institution.

    Mike is also Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and serves on the board of Emigrant Savings Bank as chair of its compensation committee. Mike has written and lectured extensively on foreign policy subjects at Columbia, Georgetown and Oxford Universities and is the author of "U.S. Foreign Trade Policy: The Case of Steel."


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